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2020 Hobby Progress Roundup

All the official Warrhammer progress for 2020 including new paint and repaints,
but not including rebase work or terrain work.

Although 2020 has been a smoldering dumpster for most of us in many ways, I've gotten quite a hefty amount of progress completed. I'm looking forward to getting more games in with friends and being able to take my family out wherever we want to go. A part of me will miss the huge amount of personal time I've been able to spend with my family and the hobby progress that was possible due to the fact that I've had virtually no time overhead that comes from commuting. It's striking how much of a terrible waste of your life a commute is. 

At any rate, here are the models of 2020. I might sneak in a few cheeky Blood Bowl players before the year is up, but this is pretty much everything.

The Progress Posts

Da Supersonik Gitdroppa, Looted Thunderhawk Transporter

Quarantine Roundup 4 - July 27 to October 20

Quarantine Roundup 3 - June 10 - July 26

Quarantine Roundup 2: April 27- June 10

Quarantine Roundup 1: March 20 - April 26

Rebasing WAAGH! Tuska

Legio Krytos

The Numbers

New Models Painted

Points: 8810
Models: 397

Models Repainted

Points: 3969
Models: 72

Total Progress

Points: 12779
Models: 469

These numbers do not include the extensive rebasing project for WAAGH! Tuska which ate up about a month earlier in the year.

The Models List

New Paint

1 Weirdboy
1 Red Gobbo
1 Mekboy Workshop
1 Megatrakk Scrapjet
27 Gretchin
1 Runtherd
1 Kangaroo APC
3 Meganobz
4 Nobz
1 Big Mek with KFF
2 Flash Gitz
65 Saurus Warriors
1 Slambo
5 Grundstok Thunderers
1 Endrinmaster
1 Grundstock Gunhauler
3 Soulsnare Shackles
3 Warlord Titan
7 100 Space Marine Challenge
18 Kabalite Warriors
1 Haemonculus
10 Wracks
1 Venom
3 Archon
1 Succubus
1 Ravager
3 Raider
1 Drahzar
5 Incubi
15 Hellions
9 Reaver Jetbikes
8 Kingdom Death models
1 Cryptek
17 Dwarfs
13 Gobbins &  Orcs
15 False Hobbits
1 Treeman
20 Hills
8 Necrons Terrain
6 Fieldstone Terrain
20 Large ruins
20 Woods
20 Medium ruins
1 Huron Blackheart
1 Noise Marine
1 Master of Possessions
1 Terminator
1 Cultist
1 Stormcast
4 Terror Ship
1 Kill Kroozer
1 Hammer Class
20 Brute Ramships
3 Onslaught Attack Ship
3 Ravager Attack Ship
6 Savage Gunship
4 Lite Kroozer
3 Aurora Chapter test models


19 Gretchin
1 Runtherd
15 Meganobz
28 Skarboyz
1 Looted Thunderhawk
1 Looted Wagons
1 Stompa
1 Steemrolla Battlewagon
1 Boomdakka Snazzwagon
4 Ghazghkulls Diorama

Looking Forward

For 2021, I intend to focus on getting the Orks army repainted into a unified scheme and expanding on all of my existing armies. I got a Knight Preceptor for Christmas and am deep into planning for a Dread Mob wing for WAAGH! Tuska.

Painting Projections
UnitRolePPMModels per unitUnitsModels Total
Display BoardTerrain0111
Knight PreceptorLord of War550111
Kingdom Death modelsmodels012020
Fortress of RedemptionFortification440111
UnitRolePPMModels per unitUnitsModels Total
Big Mek DreadnutzHQ59111
Choppa BossHQ72111
Yellow Shoota BoyzTroops730130
Nob BikerzElites40326
Painboy on WarbikeElites103111
DeffkoptasFast Attack44236
WarbikerzFast Attack233618
Killa KanzHeavy Support35616
Looted WagonsHeavy Support175133
Flashy RideHeavy Support138111

WarkoptaDedicated Transport123111
TrukkDedicated Transport64144

I am very much looking forward to seeing what 2021 brings. Perhaps, at the end of the year, I'll be able to celebrate with a huge army photo of my fully cohesive Orks force!

Jamie & Quinn Dec 2019

Jamie & Quinn Dec 2020


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