How Did it Come to This? 10,000 Points of Painted Orks

One can only make so many milestone posts before people eventually get soul-crushingly bored of them.  However, I'm going to make an exception here because with my Vengeance Batteries, I've reached a total of 10,000 points painted with my Orks.  These points include reasonable upgrades, but not ridiculous add-ons like Kill Kannons for the Battlewagons.  Let's not be silly.

Here's a video of the army.  Unlike the one I did for 7,000, this does not include a running commentary of each unit.  I simply cannot find the time to do that.  However, at the end of the post, please find a complete army list.

Please try to view in YouTube instead of this embed because I uploaded it at full resolution and it took me forever.  You won't be disappointed!

I started playing this game in 2010 when some friends and I suddenly realized that we finally had grown-up jobs and could actually afford it.  I'd always danced around the idea of collecting Orks either for Fantasy or 40k, but never took the plunge.  In the fall of 2010, we drove to our local FLGS and picked up a couple of Blackreach sets.  I took the Orks.  By Christmas, I was able to field over 1500 points with ease.  My favorite unit was the Nobz in a Trukk.  I loved zooming in from reserve and pouncing on whichever poor, unsuspecting bastard had wandered into my half of the table.

As our skills evolved and we started listening to podcasts and playing at local game stores, our armies grew.  WAAGH! Drillteef began to take shape as I learned more about the game and wanted to experience it from all kinds of different tactical and strategic vectors.  The crazy-brained collector in me was also on full "Bonkers Mode" as I started putting together lists.

Of course, Boyz and Battlewagons were the first to begin filling my bags. It was the battlewagons which really pulled me in. They gave me great leave to create something unique with each model; every one of them garnering positive responses from my peers.  I also continued to run the Nobz even though Grey Knights and Death Company started showing up on the other side of the table.

At GenCon 2011, I excitedly gobbled up enough kits and bitz to bulk out the Ork army by the thousands of points, including some models which I still haven't painted to this day (I'm looking at you Boar-riding Nobz)!    I also purchased a ton of stuff for my Deathwing army (which I eventually sold). This was my first real experience with Con Glut and I absolutely didn't learn my lesson.

When I went to my first big tournament, Adepticon in 2012, I scooped up enough orks to make 36 Warkbikers.  I also gorged myself at the bitz sellers and came home with my bags full of loot.  Again, I still haven't painted two of those bike squads.

I hope I've learned my lesson.

In 2013, I joined the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge.  This has been great fun and it has really gotten me motivated.  The wonderful thing about the ICs Hobby Progress Challenge is the feedback.  Being inspired by and being an inspiration for dozens of highly engaged and like-minded individuals really gives me the boost I need to put paint to brush.

I had all my models painted and ready to go for Adepticon 2013 where I earned a 37 paint score from the judges in the GT and came in 33rd place overall!  I am extremely proud of this modest achievement and I hope that WAAGH! Drillteef can continue to make good showings at GTs around the country.

It's been a great few years and I hope that it carries on being fun and engaging.  Thanks to everyone who's encouraged me.  I especially want to thank all of my real-life friends, the wonderful people of the Freebootaz, the folks participating in the ICs Hobby Progress Challenge, and my wife who has encouraged me, but also tolerated all this nonsense.

Here's to 20,000!

10,071 Pts - Codex: Orks Roster - WAAGH! Drillteef

1 Mad Doc Drillteef, D.D.S., 160 pts (Warlord)

1 Big Mek Scar 'Ead, 140 pts ('Eavy Armour; Attack Squig; Bosspole; Kustom Force Field; Power Klaw; Cybork Body)

1 Big Chef Grubzog, 45 pts (Bosspole; Grot Oiler x1)

1 Warboss Wagonkrumpa, 115 pts ('Eavy Armour; Attack Squig; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Power Klaw)

1 Big Boss Grimblitz, 110 pts (Bosspole; Cybork Body)

1 Boss Thudguts, 80 pts ('Eavy Armour; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)

1 Old Greg, 145 pts

1 Wurr Bob and Loopy, 85 pts (Warphead)

1 Big Mek Bolt Toof, 50 pts ('Eavy Armour; Bosspole; Cybork Body)

1 Warboss Gitsmasha, 85 pts ('Eavy Armour; Attack Squig; Bosspole)

1 Boss Vrunzogga, 140 pts (Bosspole; Cybork Body; Warbike; Power Klaw; Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon)

10 Da Brute Squad's Tankbusta Boyz, 195 pts (Tankhammer x2)
   1 Sarge Hullkrakka (Bosspole; Power Klaw)

14 Kommandos, 255 pts (Burna x2)
   1 Boss Snikrot

9 Big Dakka Boyz (Red), 135 pts

8 Big Dakka Boyz (Yeller), 120 pts

12 Scar 'Ead's Burna Boyz, 225 pts
   3 Mekboy

5 Doc's 'Ardcases (Looted Termies), 270 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Cybork Body)
   1 Trukk (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram)

5 Doc's 'Ardcases (Looted Paladins), 270 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Cybork Body)
   1 Trukk (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram)

1 Da Krumpin Squad, 513 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Cybork Body)
   1 Sawbones (Cybork Body; Grot Orderly)
   1 Pawn ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body)
   1 Pyro ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Power Klaw; Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon)
   1 Krusha ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Waaagh! Banner; Power Klaw)
   1 Bossburna ('Eavy Armour; Ammo Runt; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Power Klaw; Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon)
   1 Norbert ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Big Choppa; Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon)
   1 THAC0 ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)
   1 Roy (Bosspole; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)
   1 Bruce ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)
   1 Mongo ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body)
   1 Trukk (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Stikkbomb Chukka)

1 Da Krumpin Squad (Da Washouts), 373 pts (Cybork Body)
   1 Doc (Cybork Body; Grot Orderly)
   1 Killa ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Power Klaw)
   1 Redshirt ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body)
   1 Lurtz ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)
   1 Snarl ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Power Klaw)
   1 Dakkabob ('Eavy Armour; Ammo Runt; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)
   1 Logan ('Eavy Armour; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Power Klaw)
   1 Cheney da Faceshoota ('Eavy Armour; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)

19 Da Brute Squad's Wagon Boyz, 150 pts (Rokkit Launcha x2)
   1 Kaptin Kroolsnik

10 Da Brute Squad's Trukk Boyz, 141 pts (Rokkit Launcha x1)
   1 Sarge Blaktoof (Bosspole)
   1 Trukk (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Stikkbomb Chukka)

19 Yeller Shoota Boyz, 145 pts (Shootas; Big Shoota x1)
   1 Sarge Gitbonka (Bosspole; Big Shoota)

10 Yeller Shoota Boyz (Reserves), 111 pts (Shootas)
   1 Sarge Zagdakka (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Big Shoota)

19 'Ard Boyz, 250 pts (Big Shoota x1)
   1 Boss Ledbelcha (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Big Shoota)

10 'Ard Boyz (Reserves), 130 pts (Big Shoota x1)
   1 Sarge Kilchoppa (Bosspole)

19 Furhat Shoota Boyz, 145 pts (Shootas; Big Shoota x1)
   1 Sarge Dreddakka (Bosspole; Big Shoota)

9 Furhat Shoota Boyz (Reserves), 105 pts (Shootas)
   1 Sarge Ledstorm (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Big Shoota)

19 Da Skarboyz, 180 pts (Rokkit Launcha x1)
   1 Boss Skargrub (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Rokkit Launcha)

10 Da Skarboyz (Reserves), 91 pts (Rokkit Launcha x1)
   1 Michael Scott (Bosspole)

19 Gitfinda Boyz, 170 pts (Shootas; Big Shoota x1)
   1 Sarge Krudklaw (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Big Shoota)

9 Gitfinda Boyz, 75 pts (Shootas)
   1 Nob Dakkablitz (Big Shoota)

19 Gretchin, 67 pts
   1 Runtherd

19 Gretchin, 67 pts
   1 Runtherd

19 Gretchin, 67 pts
   1 Runtherd

19 Da Lucky Gits, 67 pts
   1 Zorn Da Kunnin

1 The Red Barork, 135 pts (Red Paint Job; TL Supa Shoota x3; Flyboss)

1 Da Rokkit Ship, 130 pts (TL Supa Shoota x3; Flyboss)

1 Da Yeller 'Un, 130 pts (TL Supa Shoota x3; Flyboss)

20 Da Skyhamma Boyz, 325 pts
   1 Sha So Blitzklawz

11 Sootbelcha Boyz, 340 pts
   1 Sarge Zoomdakka (Bosspole; Power Klaw)

2 Deffkoptas, 150 pts (TL Rokkit Launcha x2; Buzzsaw x2; Cybork Body)

2 Deffkoptas, 150 pts (TL Rokkit Launcha x2; Buzzsaw x2; Cybork Body)

2 Deffkoptas, 150 pts (TL Rokkit Launcha x2; Buzzsaw x2; Cybork Body)

0 Warbuggies, 105 pts
   3 Warbuggy (TL Rokkit Launcha)

0 Warbuggies, 105 pts
   3 Warbuggy (TL Rokkit Launcha)

3 Boomgretchin (Red Team), 94 pts (Lobba; Additional Gun Krew; Ammo Runt x3)
   6 Gretchin
   1 Runtherd

2 Zzapgretchin (Red Team), 69 pts (Zzap Gun; Ammo Runt x3)
   4 Gretchin

3 Boomgretchin (Yeller Team), 94 pts (Lobba; Ammo Runt x3)
   6 Gretchin
   1 Runtherd

2 Zzapgretchin (Yeller Team), 69 pts (Zzap Gun; Ammo Runt x3)
   4 Gretchin

3 Boomgretchin (Orange Team), 94 pts (Lobba; Ammo Runt x3)
   6 Gretchin
   1 Runtherd

2 Zzapgretchin (Orange Team), 69 pts (Zzap Gun; Ammo Runt x3)
   4 Gretchin

3 Da Steelgrots, 125 pts (Big Shoota x1; Grotzooka x1; Skorcha x1)

1 Da Yeller Klaw!, 120 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Armour Plates; Grot Rigger; Dreadnought CCW x2)

1 Deff Dread Fred, 120 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Armour Plates; Grot Rigger; Dreadnought CCW x2)

1 The Fat Pig, 115 pts (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Stikkbomb Chukka; Big Shoota x2)

1 Rustbukkit, 150 pts (Armour Plates; Deff Rolla; Red Paint Job; Stikkbomb Chukka; Big Shoota x4)

1 Steamrolla, 150 pts (Armour Plates; Boarding Plank; Deff Rolla; Grot Rigger; Stikkbomb Chukka; Big Shoota x3)

1 Orktimus Prime, 110 pts (Grot Rigger; Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Big Shoota x1)

1 The Electrork Mayhem, 120 pts ('Ard Case; Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Big Shoota x1)

1 Long Tom, 110 pts (Boom Gun; Big Shoota x1)

1 Big Mum, 125 pts (Boom Gun; Big Shoota x1; 'Ard Case; Reinforced Ram)

1 'Lil Mum, 130 pts (Boom Gun; Rokkit Launcha x1; 'Ard Case; Reinforced Ram)

1 Da Scrap Pile wiv a Talk Box, 70 pts (Comms Relay)

1 WAAGH! Tower, 125 pts (Emplaced Heavy Bolters x4)
   1 Gun Emplacement (Quad-gun)

2 Boom Kannon Bunkers, 170 pts

1 Big Mek's Stompa - El Queso Grande!, 650 pts


  1. That is amazing. I am floored. I've been playing off and on for ~15 years and don't think I have a third of that painted up for any single army, at least not to any reasonable standard. I'm a little jealous, but mostly impressed. Great work.

    1. Thanks for the kind reply, Evan. Just keep at it!

  2. i have a 2000 point tyarind force

  3. and 3000 point space marien force plus bad spelling


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