Orksvent 2016 Part 8: Paragon Great WAAGH!-band Detachment & Special Core Formations

Paragon Great WAAGH!band Detachment

When an Ork WAAGH! reaches its apex, the Orks therein have reached the fullness of their cultural potential. This potential was prescribed by their creators millions of years ago, written directly into their DNA and sustained by their own lust for battle, unparalleled ambition, and the Warp itself.

Command Benefits:

Tide of Brutes, Brutal or Possibly Kunning

Anuvver Boss: Any Formations taken for this detachment remove the WAAGH! Ghazghkull Special Rules, Da Biggest an' da Best and Da Boss iz Watchn'.

Da Big Boss: If your Warlord is chosen from this Detachment, they may re-roll their Warlord trait.

Da Great WAAGH!:  If your Warlord is chosen from this Detachment and they have the WAAAAGH! special rule, they may use their WAAAAGH! ability (if they have it) any and every turn of the game, including the first.

Overwhelming Tide: The benefits from Tide of Brutes for models in this Detachment improves from 2+ per 10 models to 3+ per 10 models. In addition, all Walkers from this Detachment gain the Tide of Brutes special rule.

Command: 0-1 per Core
Core Formations: 1+
Auxilliary: 1-10 per Core

Command Formations:
Oddboyz *

Core Formations:
Paragon WAAGH!-Band (see below)
Trukk Boyz (see below)
WAAAGH!-Band *
Goff Killmob *

Auxilliary Formations:
Krork Tide (available later in the week)
Painmob **
Dakkajet Skwadron *
Da Vulcha Skwad *
Badrukk's Flash Gitz *
Blitz Brigade *
Boss Snikrot's Red Skull Komandos *
Gorkanaut Krushin Krew *
Dread Mob *
Air Armada *
Runtz *
Blitza Bommer Skwadron *
Speshulists *
Speed Freeks *
Mekboyz Big Stuf * (Add the Krorkanaut to this list)

* See the WAAGH! Ghazghkull Supplement
** See the Orks Getting Started Box

Paragon WAAGH!-band Formation


  • 1 Warboss
  • 4-6 of the following units in any combination
  • 1 of the following units
    • Nobz
    • Meganobz
    • Flash Gitz
  • 0-3 of the following in any combination
    • Mek
    • Big Mek
    • Weirdboy



Special Rules:

Da Boss: If your Warlord is chosen from this Detachment, they may re-roll their Warlord trait.

Da Brutalest and da Kunningest: This special rule modifies the benefits of the Brutal or Possibly Kunning special rule. When your Warlord chooses to call a WAAAAGH!, models from this Formation may re-roll their failed Feel No Pain results as long as they are choosing to be Brutal. If your Warlord does NOT call a WAAAAGH!, models from this Formation get a +1 to their cover saves if they are choosing to be Kunning. In either case, the effects last until the start of the controlling player's next turn.

Trukk Boyz Formation


  • 1 Warboss
  • 4-6 units of Boyz
  • 1 of the following units
    • Nobz
    • Meganobz
    • Tankbustas
    • Burnas
  • 0-3 of the following in any combination
    • Mek
    • Big Mek
  • 0-3 units of Warbuggies


All units may not exceed 12 models and must take a Trukk as a Dedicated Transport if they have that option.

Special Rules:

Da Boss: If your Warlord is chosen from this Detachment, they may re-roll their Warlord trait.

We's livin, we's dyin, we's livin again!: Units from this Formation may disembark from their Dedicated Transports after they have moved Flat Out. If they do so, each model must make a Dangerous Terrain Test as they do so.

Check out the rest of the series on Paragon Orks

Note:   These rules are experimental. Please report any possible issues including abusive applications to adam.fasoldt@gmail.com.  This is a work for the purpose of fan enjoyment and is not intended to make money or to infringe on Games Workshop’s copyrights.  All symbology and terminology is Copyright Games Workshop LLC.  This has been created with Games Workshop’s fair use policy (available on their website) in mind.


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