When a Paragon WAAGH! thunders to war, it is the march of the Krork Brutes which strike a hopeless fear into their enemies. While a tide of Ork Boyz can be managed by a liberal application of lasgun fire, the Krork Brutes keep coming, shaking off wounds that would fell the average greenskin warrior. The Krork Tide often forms the vanguard of a Paragon WAAGH!, breaking through the enemy lines, disorganizing the enemy position, and allowing more fragile or slower Ork units to make their way into the fray unmolested. Krork Tide Formation Formation: 1 of the following: Krork Megaboss Warboss Weirdboy 5 units of Krork Brutes Restrictions: Units in this Formation may not select a Dedicated Transport Special Rules: Tide of Brutes , Brutal or Possibly Kunning , Hatred, Fearless Mobbed Up: All the units from this Formation are deployed as a single unit. Only when every model in this unit has been destroyed will your opponent count as having killed th...