
Showing posts from December, 2016

Meleficent and Drogon Ready for Decals and Further Basing

Meleficent and Drogon are both ready for decals and additional basing. I do think that the different colors aren't detrimental to the overall scheme at this point thanks to the black primary color and positioning of other off-color elements. Looking forward to working on the others. Need to move on to terrain now. Being able to get these mostly done was a nice Christmas present, though.

Krork/Paragon Ork Compiled Supplement

The Krork full supplement including all 12 installments: Here's the link to the page in case the PDF link breaks:

Orksvent 2016 Part 12: Krork Brute Boar Riders

The Krork have been known to raise massive, savage boars to bear them into battle at great speeds. These creatures share many Ork qualities, chief among them is their resilience and savagery. Krork boars accept rudimentary technological upgrades with few complications and they are unfazed by loud noises such as the belching brap of Ork sluggas. Hobby note: Krork Brute Boar Riders are clearly best represented by Orruk Gore Gruntas from the Age of Sigmar range. Krork Brute Boar Riders Role:   Fast Attack Points: 250 Unit Type:  Cavalry. The Brute Boss Nob is Cavalry (Character) Unit Composition:  5 Krork Brutes                                 WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Krork Brute Boar Rider           4  2  4 5 2 3 3 7  4+ K...

First Imperial Knight - Continued WiP


Orksvent 2016 Part 11: The Krork King

A Krork King is not only a massive mountain of muscle and rage, but is also a genius in the theater of war. The organization of their own troop movements and the disposition of the enemy are second nature to the Krok King. The High Lords of Terra dread the day another Krork King rises to lead a massive WAAGH! across the galaxy, for when this happens, it is as if a Primarch has returned to the galaxy with the force of a hundred trillion seasoned warriors behind him. Hobby note:  A Krork King can be modeled on a 120mm oval base and may require a degree of modeling ingenuity. They should be about the size of a Bloodthirster. Indeed, that model with an Ork head and various Ork bitz could work well as a Krork King. Also, look to the Age of Sigmar line for more inspiration. Krork King Role:   Lord of War Points:  315 Unit Type:   Gargantuan Monstrous Creature (Character) Unit Composition:   1 Krork King            ...

Orksvent 2016 Part 10: Krork Tide Formation

When a Paragon WAAGH! thunders to war, it is the march of the Krork Brutes which strike a hopeless fear into their enemies. While a tide of Ork Boyz can be managed by a liberal application of lasgun fire, the Krork Brutes keep coming, shaking off wounds that would fell the average greenskin warrior. The Krork Tide often forms the vanguard of a Paragon WAAGH!, breaking through the enemy lines, disorganizing the enemy position, and allowing more fragile or slower Ork units to make their way into the fray unmolested. Krork Tide Formation Formation: 1 of the following: Krork Megaboss Warboss Weirdboy 5 units of  Krork Brutes Restrictions: Units in this Formation may not select a Dedicated Transport Special Rules: Tide of Brutes ,  Brutal or Possibly Kunning , Hatred, Fearless Mobbed Up:  All the units from this Formation are deployed as a single unit. Only when every model in this unit has been destroyed will your opponent count as having killed th...

Orksvent 2016 Part 9: Da Kaptin's Banner Formation

When a massive Krork Megaboss marches to war, he brings his most practiced and violent iron-thewed warriors along with him. These Krorks, aided by the ministrations of a powerful Weirdboy, are an inspirational beacon of violence the battlefield. Few foes can stand before their blood-drenched majesty. Da Kaptin's Banner Formation Formation: 1 Krork Megaboss 1 unit of Krork Brutes 1 Weirdboy 0-3 Warbosses 0-1 Big Mek 0-1 Painboy Restrictions: None Special Rules: Tide of Brutes ,  Brutal or Possibly Kunning Da Boss:  If your Warlord is chosen from this Detachment, they may re-roll their Warlord trait. Da Kaptin's Krew: All models in this Formation must be placed in a single unit which counts as 1 Kill Point in missions which call for them. Lead by Example:  On a turn in which the Krork Megaboss from this formation successfully completes a charge, all other friendly Ork units on the battlefield add an additional 1d6" to their charge distance for ...

Orksvent 2016 Part 8: Paragon Great WAAGH!-band Detachment & Special Core Formations

Paragon Great WAAGH!band Detachment When an Ork WAAGH! reaches its apex, the Orks therein have reached the fullness of their cultural potential. This potential was prescribed by their creators millions of years ago, written directly into their DNA and sustained by their own lust for battle, unparalleled ambition, and the Warp itself. Command Benefits: Tide of Brutes , Brutal or Possibly Kunning Anuvver Boss: Any Formations taken for this detachment remove the WAAGH! Ghazghkull Special Rules, Da Biggest an' da Best and Da Boss iz Watchn'. Da Big Boss: If your Warlord is chosen from this Detachment, they may re-roll their Warlord trait. Da Great WAAGH!:   If your Warlord is chosen from this Detachment and they have the WAAAAGH! special rule, they may use their WAAAAGH! ability (if they have it) any and every turn of the game, including the first. Overwhelming Tide: The benefits from Tide of Brutes for models in this Detachment improves from 2+ per 10 mod...

Orksvent 2016 Part 7: Krork Blood Magic

Krork Blood Magic is a new psychic discipline that can be chosen for any Ork psykers selected with the Detachments and Formations in this supplement. Primaris: Blood of the WAAGH! - Warp Charge 1 Ork physiology is designed to embody the power of the Warp. It courses through every Ork and becomes even stronger as the Ork fights. The more desperate the battle, the more pronounced this is. Blood of the WAAGH! is a Blessing which targets the psyker manifesting the power. Remove from play d6 models of the controlling player's choice in the unit the Psyker has joined. For however many models were removed in this way, add that many Warp Charge points to your Warp Charge pool. In addition, the Psyker harnesses Warp Charges on a 3+ instead of a 4+ until the end of the phase. The unit is also Fearless for the duration of the Blessing. 1. Anuvver Go - Warp Charge 2 In the presence of a Weirdboy flogging them into a frothing frenzy, Orks become insatiable for battle, persisting e...

Imperial Knights - Building, Basing, and Basecoats

So, I've started an Imperial Knights army. I picked up some Forge World knights from my trip to England back in the spring. I did some trading and also used some Best Painted tournament winnings to buy some regular GW knights. I am still crafting the narrative for my knights army in my mind, but I do know I want to use the Black Knights scheme I used for the Grey Knights commission I did a couple of years ago. The scheme is based off of Maleficent from Snow White. Here's the building process. Some people say these knight poses are easy. Some say they are hard. I found them rather challenging, but worth the effort. I used 2 cans of Rust-oleum Universal Metallic Paint  + Primer Flat Soft Iron for the basecoat. Then, I drybrushed everything with Leadbelcher and Ironbreaker. The bases are random bits, rocky pebbles you get from the aquarium section of the store, and also sprue that has been ground up in a manual meatgrinder to simulate rub...

Deep Striking Santa

I just received my Freebooter Deepstriking Santa. It is insane. Look at all this. My Seraphon army is huge now! Even the Knights are magnetized! Looking forward to finishing the paintjobs on these. Thanks, Friday!

Orksvent 2016 Part 6: Paragon Orks - Krorkanaut

The great Ork engineers of the Paragon Ork societies throughout the galaxy have understood the difficulties in combating very large foes. Stompas and Gargants are huge undertakings an difficult to build. However, vehicles such as the Deff Dread and Gorkanaut have long been considered too feeble and slow to take on larger and more terrifying foes such as Imperial Knights and the frustrating Eldar Wraithknight. Indeed, even the liberal application of Dakka and flooding the enemy with Boyz doesn't seem to work against such foes. The Krorkanaut is the Ork answer to this problem. Hobby note: It's probably best to combine an Imperial Knight kit with a Gorkanaut kit to create your Krorkanaut. Krorkanaut Role:  Lord of War Points:  310 Unit Type:   Vehicle (Superheavy Walker) Unit Composition:   1 Krorkanaut                   WS BS S  F  S  R  I A HP Krorkanaut       ...

The Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge 2016 - Results

I want to personally thank all those who participated in the Hobby Progress Challenge this year and in all past years. It's awesome to see a community come together and build something so fun and inspiring. Now, I'd like to go through and recognize all those who made great progress this year (in alphabetical order). Note that if a participant didn't provide group army photos, I couldn't include them here. Some of the screen names are linked to their progress threads. Be sure to check those out to see the miniatures in detail. Many other armies are not posted here simply because the users didn't provide group photos. Check out the HPC section of the forums for more great photos. AlusCWM created a massive and gorgeous Mechanicus army. bentobox722 's Tau army can barely fit in the frame of this photo. It's a real achievement and likely looks incredible on the battlefield. Berman's used 2016 to take care of several different armies. T...