
Showing posts from January, 2013

Over 7000 Points Milestone

Every once in a while I like to do a feature of all my painted models.  I've surpassed the 7000 point mark so it seems an apt time for it. The painted portion of my army is about 7300 points with about 200 to 300 points of other options. Here's the list... 7332 - Codex: Orks Roster - WAAGH! Drillteef 1 Mad Doc Drillteef, D.D.S., 160 pts ( Warlord) 1 Big Mek Scar 'Ead, 140 pts ('Eavy Armour; Attack Squig; Bosspole; Kustom Force Field; Power Klaw; Cybork Body) 1 Warboss Wagonkrumpa, 115 pts ('Eavy Armour; Attack Squig; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Power Klaw) 1 Big Boss Grimblitz, 110 pts (Bosspole; Cybork Body) 1 Boss Thudguts, 80 pts ('Eavy Armour; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Big Choppa) 1 Old Greg, 145 pts 1 Wurr Bob and Loopy, 85 pts (Warphead) 1 Big Mek Bolt Toof, 50 pts ('Eavy Armour; Bosspole; Cybork Body) 10 Da Brute Squad's Tankbusta Boyz, 195 pts (Tankhammer x2)    1 Sarge Hullkrakka (Bosspole; Power Klaw) 19 Da Brute Squad...

1500 Point Singles Tourney - 2013-01-26

In this month's singles tourney, we were doing 1500 points in 1.5 hour rounds. Not a lot of time to get things done, but we had a fun time. This is the list I took yesterday. 1500 Tourney - Convoy 1 Mad Doc Drillteef, D.D.S. , 160 pts ( Warlord) 5 Meganobz , 330 pts (Cybork Body) . .  1 The Electrork Mayhem  (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Big Shoota x1) 1 Big Mek Scar 'Ead , 120 pts (Bosspole; Kustom Force Field; Power Klaw; Cybork Body) 1 Fat Pig , 105 pts (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Big Shoota x1) 18 Boyz , 129 pts (Shootas) . .  1 Boyz Nob  (Bosspole; Shoota) 1 Steamrolla , 120 pts (Boarding Plank; Deff Rolla; Big Shoota x1) 15 Boyz , 111 pts (Shootas) . .  1 Boyz Nob  (Bosspole; Shoota) 1 Orktimus Prime , 110 pts (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Stikkbomb Chukka; Big Shoota x1) 19 'Ard Boyz , 240 pts . .  1 'Ard Boyz Nob  (Bosspole; Power Klaw) 5 Lootas , 75 pts I was going to take a squad of 'Ard Boyz, but...

Minimalist List Design

Alex Fennel's Necrons This article isn't a wisdom-soaked diatribe on cutting the fat from your lists.  It is a quick note on my need to do so.  Please note that I do not diminish the necessity of skill in the game of 40k, but this is an article about list-building. A story popped up in my Google+ stream today concerning a quote on design: "Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away."  - Terre des Hommes, 1939 A lot of lists which win in game stores rely on pure, dumb muscle.  These are your heavy-shooting Grey Knight and Imperial Guard lists and the gimmicky Cron Air and various deathstar army lists.  These lists are capable of leaving you with a relatively good feeling at a tournament, but do not guarantee a win or a place in the finals. You'll see quite a few tournament-successful lists which have some odd things in them.  There are ICs which defy conventio...

The Electrork Mayhem is Complete

I am loving this model!  It will heretofore be one of the centerpieces of my army.

Getting Beaten by Orks - The 5 Stages of Greif

I wonder people are always so surprised when they get beaten by Orks? I feel as if every opponent goes through the traditional stages of greif. Denial ā€” Uh, let's re-count those victory points again. Anger ā€” This is BULL****! How is it that you get an AV14 vehicle for 90 points!??!?!? My ****ing Land Raider is 250 points! 250 ****ing points! This is BULL****! Bargaining ā€” Are you SURE you're right about those 18 shots your Dakkajets get? Let me see your rulebook. Depression ā€” I have over 8000 points of space marines. God help me. Acceptance ā€” Well, there's no way I'm winning this tournament now. Not with 8 battle points for the round. I may as well go have a few shots while we wait for the next one to start...

Toront Too Gosh! - True2k List

I really want to try and pick this up at Adepticon on the cheap.  I would probably replace 1 killa kan in each force org for 2 squads of grots just so I could at least attempt to score objectives. The units in italics are ones I would need to buy... Primary Force Org: HQ: 090 - Big Mek (KFF, Bosspole) 040 - Big Mek (Bosspole) Troops: 110 - Deff Dread (+2 CCW, Grot Rigger) 110 - Deff Dread (+2 CCW, Grot Rigger) Elite: 160 - 3 Nobz (Battlewagon (big shoota, ram)) Fast: 130 - Dakkajet (extra supa-shoota, fighta ace) Heavy: 120 - 3 Killa Kans ( skorchas ) 120 - 3 Killa Kans (skorchas) 120 - 3 Killa Kans (skorchas) Secondary Force Org: HQ: 090 - Big Mek (KFF, Bosspole) 040 - Big Mek (Bosspole) Troops: 110 - Deff Dread (+2 CCW, Grot Rigger) 110 - Deff Dread (+2 CCW, Grot Rigger) Elite: 160 - 3 Nobz (Battlewagon (big shoota, ram)) Fast: 130 - Dakkajet (extra supa-shoota, fighta ace) Heavy: 120 - 3 Killa Kans (skorchas) 120 - 3 Killa Kans (skorch...

Batrep - 1850 Versus Blood Angels

I had a great time playing JamesI with his deepstriking Blood Angels led by Dante. We played an 1850 game. The game was Big Guns Never Tire and deployment was Vanguard Strike.  We usually deploy terrain using the Alternating style, but this was an Adepticon training game, so we did a more even placement of terrain. I found out later I'd cheated him a bit with my points. I should not have had Deffrollas on my Battlewagons, but they never came into play during the game. Sorry, James! This is why I think it's funny when people complain about Army Builder being inaccurate.  It's far more accurate than I am! I deployed my battlewagons bravely and the Boyz and Lootas cowardly. James deploys a squad of Assault Marines with Librarian and Apothecary, a squad of Sanguinary Guard, and two squads of Bikes in a standard counter-counter assault formation.   The vanilla approach for this is to zoom forward, have the wagon destroyed by the bikes, then I ...

2012.01.12 Team Tournament at DGG

I attended a team tournament at Dirty Goblin Games this Saturday.  My ally and I both played Orks.  We had a great time.  We also won all of our games and won the tournament.  Here are the lists we took. 1200 Pts - Codex: Orks Roster - Team Tourney "Convoy" 1 Mad Dok Drillteef D.D.S., 160 pts 1 Mega-armoured Warboss, 110 pts (Bosspole; Cybork Body;  Warlord) 9 Meganobz, 515 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Cybork Body)   1 Battlewagon (Grot Rigger; Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Big Shoota x1) 14 Boyz , 105 pts    1 Boyz Nob (Bosspole) 1 Battlewagon , 120 pts (Deff Rolla; Red Paint Job; Big Shoota x1) 15 Gretchin , 55 pts    1 Runtherd 1 Battlewagon , 135 pts ('Ard Case; Boarding Plank; Deff Rolla; Big Shoota x1) 1200 Pts - Codex: Orks Roster - Team Tourney "Wing and a Prayer" 1 Weirdboy , 85 pts ( Warlord; Warphead) 1 Weirdboy , 85 pts (Warphead) 1 Dakkajet , 130 pts (Fighta Ace; TL Supa Shoota) 1 Dakkajet...

The Electrork Mayhem Project Begins

A while back, my buddy, Pat bought me a Warbus from Puppetswar.  Everybody in the world loves this model.  I've wanted to do something special with it from the start.  Now is the time.  I've decided to do it in the style of the bus belonging to The Electric Mayhem in the Muppet Movie . As you may know, the leader of The Electric Mayhem is Dr.Teeth. This is unbelievably appropriate, I think. The symbol for DrTeeth is AMAZING. I'd never noticed it before.  It's a tooth with wings and lightningbolts shooting out the sides.  Seriously, I may have to add this iconography throughout my army. Anyways, here's the bus with a basecoat of white.  The deffrolla is the standard kit from Games Workshop.  I can't lie, the Battlewagon Upgrade Kit is an ace product .  The fact that it comes with a cool, little Grot Rigger and a Lobba is icing on the cake. As usual, I am extremely pleased with my airbrush .  It makes ...

Nail Polish Power Weapon Effects

I got this tip from my fellow Freeboota, Chaplain. He said that he found a nail polish that crackled over a surface and created a really nice effect for power weapons. The polish is called " Avon Mosaic Effects Top Coat " and is available from your friendly local Avon dealer.  From what I can tell, it is similar in composition to White Out . I haven't tried an actual substitution yet, but I might give it a try.  One thing is for certain, though, you do want a very smooth surface to put it on. Avon suggests their Nailwear Pro+ to start, however the Nailwear Pro+ stuff is colored and I think you're better off using whatever paint (Citadel or otherwise) you want with a clear enamel over it before doing the crackle.  You'll probably want to pick up the white crackle, the black, or both. At any rate, the color you get is the color of the crackle, so in the image below, I'm using the white and the cracks show the blue I painted underneath. I didn't do any ad...

How to Paint Boyz Fasta

I recently made a video about how to paint tabletop quality boyz faster.  My technique pretty much flies in the face of everything you've ever been told to do when painting Warhammer 40,000 miniatures, but it's what works for me.

Mad Doc Drillteef D.D.S. Refurbish Project

I have been meaning to start a blog about my hobby progress and now seems as good a time as any. I just completed a short project involving the renovation of my WAAGH!'s warlord, Mad Doc Drillteef D.D.S. This is what he looked like before I started.  Of course, this isn't a terrible conversion.  He's got the giant, over-the-top 'urty syringe, drill, and mask on.  It's pretty obvious he's a big ass Painboy.  He's just gotten long in the tooth. My warlord should evoke my abilities as a hobbyist and I've grown a lot since then. So the Doc got cut up, which is fine because he's used to it. I rummaged through my bitz and found an old Enterprise nacelle I could use for the Nitrous tank as well as some pintle turret bitz. A snug fit.  I also added some chaos trophy poles.  I chose the one with Necrons and Space Marines because WAAGH! Drillteef hails from Ultima Segmentum and they are the WAAGH!'s main opponents. I used t...