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1500 Point Singles Tourney - 2013-01-26

In this month's singles tourney, we were doing 1500 points in 1.5 hour rounds. Not a lot of time to get things done, but we had a fun time.

This is the list I took yesterday.

1500 Tourney - Convoy

1 Mad Doc Drillteef, D.D.S., 160 pts ( Warlord)
5 Meganobz, 330 pts (Cybork Body)
. . 1 The Electrork Mayhem (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Big Shoota x1)

1 Big Mek Scar 'Ead, 120 pts (Bosspole; Kustom Force Field; Power Klaw; Cybork Body)
1 Fat Pig, 105 pts (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Big Shoota x1)
18 Boyz, 129 pts (Shootas)
. . 1 Boyz Nob (Bosspole; Shoota)

1 Steamrolla, 120 pts (Boarding Plank; Deff Rolla; Big Shoota x1)
15 Boyz, 111 pts (Shootas)
. . 1 Boyz Nob (Bosspole; Shoota)

1 Orktimus Prime, 110 pts (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Stikkbomb Chukka; Big Shoota x1)
19 'Ard Boyz, 240 pts
. . 1 'Ard Boyz Nob (Bosspole; Power Klaw)

5 Lootas, 75 pts

I was going to take a squad of 'Ard Boyz, but I forgot them at home. Because of that, I had to swap them out for more Meganobz and an extra Loota.

Again, this was just to show off my battlewagons and thumb my nose at flyer hysteria.

This was the Electrork Mayhem's first tournament and I must say, it did well!  It wasn't destroyed once and covered a lot of territory.  The folks that got the reference were duly impressed and those who didn't were as well, though they thought it was a train.  The Police Box was a big hit. 

Whatever the case, I'm glad I brought this list.

Game 1: Tyranids
Mission: The Relic
Deployment: Dawn of War
Breif: My experience with 'Nids really showed in this game. My opponent had a unit of Warriors with a big monster in it, infiltrating Genestealers, shooty Gaunts in spores, the Doom in a spore, a Flyrant, and a unit of the jumping dudes. I positioned Mad Doc where he'd be slamming into units with instant-death. The flank dealing with the Flyrant and spores did pretty well. The Shootas were devastating, dropping the monster out of the sky and turning the 'Gaunts into muck with bullets. I think, if my target priority had been better, the list would have done well. I learned more about 'Nids, so this was a good thing.
Result: 2-2
Possible full game outcome: Probably would have stayed a tie.

Game 2: Space Marines
Mission: Big Guns Never Tire
Deployment: Vanguard Strike
Breif: What can I say? I pretty much make my living eating Space Marines. Also, I got two of the objectives, so I just turtled up in my corner and blocked off Mad Doc with the other 3 Battlewagons. The Space Marines rushed forward. Fortunately for him, he still takes Rhinos. I think that, with the Heldrake out there, you'll see a lot of people returning to Rhinos and Land Raiders. On turn 2, he entered the sweet spot. I drove up, got out, and destroyed most of his army. There wasn't enough time to get across the table to kil the remaining scouts and Predator sitting on the objective. I guess this problem shows where the Dakkajets, Snikrot, or Deffkoptas benefit my army. Interesting.
Result: 7-5 Orks
Possible full game outcome: I would have tabled him.

Game 3: Ravenwing and Imperial Guard
Mission: Purge the Alien
Deployment: Hammer & Anvil
Breif: I decided that with only a win and a tie, I'd never get to place since the tournament was battle points and a crushing victory was highly unlikely, that I'd start my battlewagons on the deployment line in the hopes of getting a good rush and assault turn 2. I forgot about Scout moves. I won't do that again. Fortunately, the battlewagons weathered the melta shots well and I killed the 3 bike units he sacrificed that turn. Without the melta support, I was able to keep moving and turning the front armor towards his lascannons.
Result: 5-3 Orks
Possible full game outcome: Uncertain. He'd have probably eventually killed my battlewagons with Sammael's squad, but I would have been in his lines which is never good for Imperial Guard.

So, as I said, I had fun running this list, but I look forward to going back to a more balanced list.

Another note on this tournament that might be interesting for some is that our Tournament Organizer decided that we should ignore the contradictory question regarding wound allocation in the last GW FAQ.  I think this is really the right call and other T.O.s would do well to do the same.


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