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Showing posts from 2020

2020 Hobby Progress Roundup

All the official Warrhammer progress for 2020 including new paint and repaints, but not including rebase work or terrain work. Although 2020 has been a smoldering dumpster for most of us in many ways, I've gotten quite a hefty amount of progress completed. I'm looking forward to getting more games in with friends and being able to take my family out wherever we want to go. A part of me will miss the huge amount of personal time I've been able to spend with my family and the hobby progress that was possible due to the fact that I've had virtually no time overhead that comes from commuting. It's striking how much of a terrible waste of your life a commute is.  At any rate, here are the models of 2020. I might sneak in a few cheeky Blood Bowl players before the year is up, but this is pretty much everything. The Progress Posts Da Supersonik Gitdroppa, Looted Thunderhawk Transporter Quarantine Roundup 4 - July 27 to October 20 Quarantine Roundup 3 - June 10 - July 26 Qu...

Da Supersonik Gitdroppa, Looted Thunderhawk Transporter

This was a major stage of the Orks repaint project as it included a great deal of refactoring and rebuilding. I want to thank my buddy, Colin , for the extra Thunderhawk parts that helped make this a reality.  Please see below the finished product photos for the in-progress shots. Game stats: Da Supersonik Gitdroppa should have the same stats as a Thunderhawk Transporter with the following exceptions: Change Da Supersonik Gitdroppa's Weapon Skill to 4+ and its Ballistic Skill to 5+ Instead of the usual armaments, Da Supersonik Gitdroppa is armed with: 4 twin big shootas,  1 big shoota,  1 twin supa shoota,  1 supa kannon. Da Supersonik Gitdroppa's twin big shootas are armed by Gretchin and, as such, are fired at 4+ Ballistic Skill Instead of the usual carrying capacity, Da Supersonik Gitdroppa can carry either Two trukks One battlewagon or bonebreaka Two looted rhinos Two munitorum containers If the Supersonik Gitdroppa is carrying munitorum containers, each containe...

Quarantine Roundup 4 - July 27 to October 20

It's been 214 days of COVID hobby progress. Although I've played few games in-person, I've still been able to find some motivation. Tabletop Simulator allows me to have contact with those near to me and also to play games with those I'd normally never be able to hang out with. Some maskhammer has been played with friends locally as well. July 28:  I started this period off with a bit of a palate cleanser, painting a mural on my son's wall using the original cover of the novel, Watership Down as a guide. August 23:  I did a lot of outdoors stuff between the last project and this one while also working on the Ghazghkull project. I needed something fun to do as a break. As such, I painted up a Haemonculus and some Wracks for my Alliance of Agony. This is a conversion including parts from the Wych, Wrack, and old Warrior kits.  The wracks were fun to paint and have lots of bibs and bobs. These, I decided to magnetize because I have no idea what anything does. September ...

Quarantine Roundup 3 - June 10 to July 26

As the summer moves apace, more opportunities for outside excursions have developed, so the progress has been somewhat lighter than in previous roundups, but I still have lots to report. June 18: I volunteered more time to paint up three more marines for the 100-marine charity challenge on the 1 Hour a Night Facebook Group. We should be getting a lot more shipped in and then I can start putting together the display case for them. June 25: I decided it was high time that I get the Mekboy Workshop painted up. This was gifted to me by my FLGS when the codex was released. What a delightful kit! I also added a few extra grots. July 8: After a good week of hobby hiatus (though I was working diligently on researching and preparing podcast material for the 9th edition release) I finally completed the repaint of El Queso Grande. As usual, this involved replacing the red with blue and intensifying the yellow while making various other touch-ups here and there. ...