In Defense of Ragnarork
After over-extending his resources throughout the sector, Big Mek Sizzlegrub fell back to his palatial holdings on Ragnarork in order to refit and refuel his war machine. A pair of Evil Sunz Weirdboyz dwelled in that place, working with Sizzlegrub's meks to devise wily methods of transporting their forces throughout the sector. The ancient reliquary had been home to many ancient relics which the greenskins had either cast aside or used in the construction of Sizzlegrub's more esoteric projects.
It was during this time that the Custodes came to reclaim these relics. Even though many golden-clad warriors gave their lives under the swarming tide of muscle and teeth, their Captain's heroic charge could not be turned by the Orks, no matter how much pressure they put on him. In the end, Sizzlegrub was forced to fall back and lick his wounds, allowing the Custodes to sieze the Reliquary and tend to their casualties unmolested.
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