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Beach-Head Clash on Desparation (New Apocalypse Rules)

The small world of Desparation had long been exploited for its many resources by the Aeldari, but both the Ork and Imperium coveted what remained of the planet's bounty. Both forces held mediocre beach-heads among the primary continent's expansive peat bogs which were rich with natural gas. Although the two armies had traded minor blows throughout the occupation, the arrival of Big Mek Sizzlegrub ended the stalemate. 

The Astra Militarum had been taking advantage of the world's remote location to muster forces for a more important offensive. No fewer than three superheavy Baneblade chassis were on-planet undergoing maintenance and engaging in training exersises alongside and an entire Leman Russ tank Company. The regimental commander scoffed at the suggestion of any army being mad enough to assault their heavily-guarded and well-supplied beach-head reinforced with prefabricated bastions.

He did not count on the avarice of Mek Boss Sizzlegrub's avarice. The Big Mek warmaster had somehow gotten wind of the many toys the Imperium had at hand on Desparatioin and he coveted the opportunity for salvage of unparalelled quality.

The Cadians were not caught unawares. Their hardened position was defended with a prefabricated orbital defense lance platform. Two ork scout vessels were incinerated as they approached the planet, but several still managed to land nearby. As Sizzlegrub's massive horde approached, chunks of the doomed vessels rained down onto the battlefield.

Sizzlegrub's horde approaches the Imperial strongpoint.

The Cadians, having recieved advance warning of the impending attack, are arrayed in a defensive stance.

The regimental commander stands proudly under his banners.

Sizzlegrub has committed a massive spearhead of his best tanks in this engagement, hoping they give better than they  get.

As usual, the Mek's force is accompaned by a fist of 'Nauts who enter the fray from the army's flanks.

As the sun dips below the horizon, the Orks launch a furious barrage into the enemy position.

A mob of Blood Axe Kommandos and their Kaptin, hired by Sizzlegrub, leap from the cargo containers they had stowed away on weeks ago.
The Cadian air cavalry pour fire into the greenskins and slaughter them by the dozens.

The fist of Naughts attempts to push forward with haste, swinging around the flank. The Shadowswords make quick work of one Gorkanaut.

A great scrum of Kommandos and guardsmen erupts on the Cadian lines. The Cadians are mired in place.
The grind continues...

Dozens more Orks perish as the disciplined Cadians fall back on the orders of ther Commissar, leaving the Orks exposed to the reckless Astra Militarum infantry.

The air wing have lost one member, but their firepower is still incredibly effective.

The tanks blast through the Kommandos that were bogging them down.

The carnage continues as the Orks press the attack with some assistance from the Weirdboy',

Artillery rains down on both sides of the conflict

Soon, much of the Ork army is engaged with the opposite flnk.

The two spearheads rain death on their respective enemies, obliterting tanks and mulching greenskins. The Orks claim the upper hand, however,  as they push back the remnants of the Cadian tank company.

Another Vulture is yanked from the sky during a final fly-by.
In the end, Sizzlegrub's green tide broke over the enemy artillery while their own tanks hammered the enemy's armour assets. The guardsmen drowned in sweaty Ork flesh while the tanks they were charged with protecting were pulled apart by the zealous Deffskullz.


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