
Showing posts from July, 2019

The Diggaz of Ghorok Cleanse Shadrac

Back in the Fold The Ordo Xenos has kept extremely close tabs on the Diggaz of Ghorok, known more recently as the Shatara 1st Regiment. The humans of that distant world had spent decades fighting the greenskins while not only surviving but thriving in opposition to the Xenos.  Under the command of Commissar Moira Wrathberg, the Regiment had been stress tested against several Xenos threats since their re-indoctrination into the Astra Militarum. They had excelled at every engagement. As such, the Regiment's strength had been bolstered from other populations with similar experiences from throughout the Imperium.  In the past, humans living under brutal Orkoid regimes are found in such wretched states of madness that they had to be given the Emperor's Mercy, but under the guidance of those who had been through it and come out the other side, these people learned to harness their experiences into rage against their former oppressors. This was enough for the Ordo Xenos an...

WAAAGH! Tuska on Parade - 5000 Points

It's been a while since I've had this entire army arrayed in a photo, but a lot of models have been added since then. This army is extremely spiky and prone to damage, so it's good to get it out now and again simply to repair it.

WAAAGH! Drillteef on Parade - 23,000 points

With the coming of the new codex, WAAAGH! Drillteef's points level dropped dramatically and I've been playing catch-up ever since. Also, I have decided to separate WAAAGH! Tuska from the points total; I really feel like that's a totally different army and it's disingenuous to include it. So, as such, we have 7000 points to crawl back to 30k. This is fine. Many other collectors are happy to include titans and such at this point and I think it's high time I did so. This army does not yet have a Battle Fortress or a Gargant. I think I should do both very soon. The Battle Fortress has rules, but there is, as yet, no Gargant. I will likely just use an Imperial counterpart to build something similar and just give it the Ork keyword and drop its BS to 5+. I aso want to do a proper Stompa Mob, so I'll need a few of those. Da Krumpin Squad Special forces Grot bombards and Stormboyz Tuska!, heralds of the Aporkalypse The WAAAGH!'s hea...

Beach-Head Clash on Desparation (New Apocalypse Rules)

The small world of Desparation had long been exploited for its many resources by the Aeldari, but both the Ork and Imperium coveted what remained of the planet's bounty. Both forces held mediocre beach-heads among the primary continent's expansive peat bogs which were rich with natural gas. Although the two armies had traded minor blows throughout the occupation, the arrival of Big Mek Sizzlegrub ended the stalemate.  The Astra Militarum had been taking advantage of the world's remote location to muster forces for a more important offensive. No fewer than three superheavy Baneblade chassis were on-planet undergoing maintenance and engaging in training exersises alongside and an entire Leman Russ tank Company. The regimental commander scoffed at the suggestion of any army being mad enough to assault their heavily-guarded and well-supplied beach-head reinforced with prefabricated bastions. He did not count on the avarice of Mek Boss Sizzlegrub's avarice. The Bi...