The Diggaz of Ghorok Cleanse Shadrac

Back in the Fold The Ordo Xenos has kept extremely close tabs on the Diggaz of Ghorok, known more recently as the Shatara 1st Regiment. The humans of that distant world had spent decades fighting the greenskins while not only surviving but thriving in opposition to the Xenos. Under the command of Commissar Moira Wrathberg, the Regiment had been stress tested against several Xenos threats since their re-indoctrination into the Astra Militarum. They had excelled at every engagement. As such, the Regiment's strength had been bolstered from other populations with similar experiences from throughout the Imperium. In the past, humans living under brutal Orkoid regimes are found in such wretched states of madness that they had to be given the Emperor's Mercy, but under the guidance of those who had been through it and come out the other side, these people learned to harness their experiences into rage against their former oppressors. This was enough for the Ordo Xenos an...