Currently piloted by the talented, young Scion Martial Davyd Bevvry, Smaug is renowned for the total decimation of its foes. This Questoris Knight Acheron revels in the total immolation of any Daemonic hordes which would threaten to swarm his fellow House Draco Knights. Of course, when the smaller foes have been reduced to smouldering brimstone, Smaug can deliver devastating blows with his chainsword against Daemon Princes and Greater Daemons alike.
One can only make so many milestone posts before people eventually get soul-crushingly bored of them. However, I'm going to make an exception here because with my Vengeance Batteries, I've reached a total of 10,000 points painted with my Orks. These points include reasonable upgrades, but not ridiculous add-ons like Kill Kannons for the Battlewagons. Let's not be silly . Here's a video of the army. Unlike the one I did for 7,000, this does not include a running commentary of each unit. I simply cannot find the time to do that. However, at the end of the post, please find a complete army list. Please try to view in YouTube instead of this embed because I uploaded it at full resolution and it took me forever. You won't be disappointed! I started playing this game in 2010 when some friends and I suddenly realized that we finally had grown-up jobs and could actually afford it. I'd always danced around the idea of collecting Or...
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