20,740 Points of Orks

I began collecting and painting Orks in late 2010. Six years and many great, new friends later, I now have over twenty thousand points. 2016 was a huge push and I'm now down to only a smattering of Nobz and other minor models which now hide in my bitz box.

I will move from project to project, but Orks will always be my first love and I'm looking forward to doing some repaints and perhaps adding more kits next year. For now, however, I want to move on to some new projects. First, I'm doing a Sisters of Battle Kill Team list this October, then I will try to get my Seraphon assembled.  Once winter has really set in, I will start putting together my Imperial Knights.

If you want more detailed pictures of the individual units, just look back through the Blog history.

Here's a video and some individual Warband photos:

Da Krumpin Krew

Wagonkrumpa's Horde

Tuska's Incursion

Vrunzogga's Speed Freakz

Big Mek Dreadnutz' Stompin Krew

Diggaz of Ghorok

Krakbone's Freebooters

Drillteef's Inner Council


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