Diggaz Tanks

The Diggaz of Ghorok have are still quite adept at keeping their vehicles up and running, particularly their Leman Russ tanks. This heavy armor has given some of the Digga tribes an edge against the many Ork and Digga raiding parties throughout the hive.

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I used weathering powders for this project and had some issues with their interaction with the clear coat. I had to go back and do some washes with Reikland Fleshshade to fix the discoloration. I also drybrushed the rust with some Leadbelcher in order to get the impression that the Diggaz have been moving around on the rusted machinery.


Renegades & Heretics Allied Detachment (680pts):

If I just want a small list with some Objective Secured and some high-strength shooting, here's the list I'll probably use. This will omit the Punisher tank. The Banner of Hate inside the Chimera should provide a fairly reliable fire base with decent morale.

  • HQ: Renegade Command Squad (8#, 195 pts)
    • 4 Renegade Command Squad, 195 pts (Banner of Hate; Command Net Vox; Shotgun x4; Grenade Launcher x1)
      • 1 HW Team w/ Lascannon (Lascannon; Militia Training; Sub-Flak Armour)
      • 1 Arch-Demagogue (Melta Bombs; Shotgun x1)
      • 1 Renegade Chimera (Heavy Boltgun; Dozer Blade; Pintle-mounted Heavy Stubber; Heavy Boltgun)
  • Troops: Renegade Infantry Platoon (30#, 195 pts)
    • 1 Renegade Infantry Platoon, 195 pts
      • 7 Platoon Command Squad (Militia Training; Autopistol x7; Grenade Launcher x1)
        • 1 HW Team w/ Lascannon (Lascannon; Militia Training)
        • 1 Renegade Champion (Shotgun x1)
      • 7 Renegade Infantry Squad (Militia Training; Autopistol x7; Grenade Launcher x1)
        • 1 HW Team w/ Lascannon (Lascannon; Militia Training)
        • 1 Renegade Champion (Shotgun x1)
      • 7 Renegade Infantry Squad (Militia Training; Autopistol x7; Grenade Launcher x1)
        • 1 HW Team w/ Lascannon (Lascannon; Militia Training)
        • 1 Renegade Champion (Shotgun x1)
  • Heavy Support: Renegade Tank Squadron (2#, 290 pts)
    • 1 Renegade Leman Russ Vanquisher (Militia Training; Lascannon)
    • 1 Renegade Leman Russ Vanquisher (Militia Training; Lascannon)

Renegades & Heretics Combined Arms Detachment (985pts):

The larger version of the army uses the Bloody-Handed Reaver ability to turn Veterans into Grenadier squads who get hot-shot laspistols. It also uses all the tanks and puts the heavy weapons teams into a single support squadron.

  • HQ: Renegade Command Squad (6#, 155 pts)
    • 2 Renegade Command Squad, 155 pts (Grenade Launcher x1)
      • 1 HW Team w/ Lascannon (Lascannon; Militia Training; Sub-Flak Armour)
      • 1 Arch-Demagogue (Bloody-handed Reaver, Refractor Field, Krak Grenades, Hot-shot lasgun)
      • 1 Renegade Chimera (Heavy Boltgun; Dozer Blade; Heavy Boltgun)
  • Troops: Renegade Infantry Veterans (8#, 95 pts)
    • 7 Renegade Infantry Veterans, 85 pts (Grenadiers, Hot-shot volley gun x1)
    • 1 Veteran Champion
  • Troops: Renegade Infantry Veterans (8#, 95 pts)
    • 7 Renegade Infantry Veterans, 85 pts (Grenadiers, Hot-shot volley gun x1)
    • 1 Veteran Champion
  • Troops: Renegade Infantry Veterans (8#, 95 pts)
    • 7 Renegade Infantry Veterans, 85 pts (Grenadiers, Hot-shot volley gun x1)
    • 1 Veteran Champion
  • Heavy Support: Renegade Support Squad (6#, 90 pts)
    • 3 Renegade Support Squad, 80 pts (Militia Training; Lascannon x3, Flak Armor)
  • Heavy Support: Renegade Tank Squadron (1#, 165 pts)
    • 1 Renegade Leman Russ Punisher (Pintle-mounted Heavy Stubber; Militia Training; 2x Heavy Bolter (pair))
  • Heavy Support: Renegade Tank Squadron (2#, 290 pts)
    • 1 Renegade Leman Russ Vanquisher (Militia Training; Lascannon)
    • 1 Renegade Leman Russ Vanquisher (Militia Training; Lascannon)


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