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Combat Patrol Tournament at Dirty Goblin

Tonight was Valentine's Day, so Dirty Goblin threw a quick Combat Patrol Tournament to get us home in time for dinner with our significant others. It was a really good idea and gave me an opportunity to try out my Adepticon list.

Herald of Tuska Combat Patrol List v2.1 - 400pts

  • 1 Warp Mek Sizzlegrub, 104 pts (Shokk Attack Gun; Ammo Runt x3; Gitfinda; Da Dead Shiny Shoota; Warlord)
  • 13 Boyz, 107 pts (Slugga)
    • 1 Boss Nob (Bosspole; Big Choppa; Twin-linked Shoota)
  • 12 Kommandos, 150 pts
    • 1 Boss Nob (Bosspole; Big Choppa)
  • 1 Mek Gunz, 39 pts
    • 1 Mek Gun (Traktor Kannon; Ammo Runt)
    • 4 Gretchin

Adepticon released their updated rules for the Combat Patrol event and the rules will make it impossible for me to summon Bloodletters. This is a sensible move on their part, but it also means I had to come up with a new list.  Instead, I've added Kommandos and I'll be using my Orky Daemon models for them at the event. Today, I just used my regular Kommando models so that I could run fully painted.

Game 1

Tucker plays Orks.  I approve!

The primary objectives were to have units scoring Linebreaker and also holding 5 objectives.

I deploy Big Mek Sizzlegrub in a ruin with his Gunz unit.  The dice represent my Ammo Runts.

Sizzlegrub takes out a few Lootaz after they try to kill some of his Gretchin.

The Kommandos move into striking position after Infiltrating.

My Boyz try to cautiously make their way up the field, facing some very threatening 'Ard Boyz with Shootas!

The Boyz bravely move into charging position and promptly fail their charge after some deadly Overwatch... it was a long shot anyhow.

The Kommandos launch into the Lootaz...

...and make spore factories out of them.

The Shoota Boyz don't do much with their Shootaz...

...but prove that even Shoota Boyz are dangerous in assault!


Sizzlegrub's Warpgun takes out a chunk of Boyz...

...but that doesn't stop them from launching an assault against the Mek Gunz which broke away from the Mek that turn.

One last ditch effort results in an on-target Strength 5 shot!

The 'Ard Boyz decide they've had enough of that and make a break for it!  Game over! Thanks for the great game Tucker!

Game 2

Scotty is a favorite long-time opponent. His hat is pimp.

For this mission, we had The Relic and 2 other Objectives. This was an older mission, so we decided to run the Relic counting as one of the three Objectives.

I space myself out and Infiltrate my Kommandos wide, ready for the Drop Podding Flamer that's about to arrive.

Scotty's Devastator Squad guards his Objective.

The Pod and Tactical Squad with a Chaplain drops in...

...and does significant damage to the Boyz squad. 

The Boss has to knock a few heads in, but the Boyz manage to resist the urge to flee and, instead, form up for the assault.

The Kommandos grab The Relic.

Warp Mek Sizzlegrub blasts some Space Marines, but it is hard to get a bead on them through the ruins.  He leans against the wall, already exhausted from the day's work.

The Kommandos make  a move for the Space Marines' perch!

WARGH!  I do poorly in the assault, but Scotty's Marines are sad to still be in combat.

During Scotty's turn, he shoots at the Big Mek's unit one more time.  Also, much to my chagrin, one boy survives during my turn!

The Kommandos launch an impressive assault up the side of the building.  What can I say? Kommandos are great at monkeying up walls!

Scotty makes short work of my last Boy during my turn, and is able to get into assault position on his turn.


For three turns, the Kommandos fight valiantly against one Space Marine swinging his heavy weapon at their heads.

But they are eventually able to vanquish him and go back to grab The Relic which they had quite forgotten about in their haste to assault the enemy.  Great game, Scotty. Always a pleasure.

Game 3

Phil is a buddy from our home store in East Greenbush. He and Connor came up for some fun at the Goblin.

This mission featured 6 Objectives (wow!) and Kill Points

Phil filled the field with his 108 Gretchin and 3 Kustom Mega Kannons.

I nervously lined up the Boyz and Infiltrated the Kommandos.

After Phil's Kustom Mega Kannons fail to harm my Big Mek's unit, I move all of my Orks forward.  I know that if I can get into assault with a reasonable number of them, his lines will crumple like tissue.

Phil's Gretchin show no fear...

...and take out a few Orks, but not enough!

I push my Orks up...

....into assault position!

I multi-assault three units of Gretchin with my Kommandos and three with my Boyz for a total of 4 unique units of Gretchin. The Gretchin kill a few models in Overwatch, but I make it in without a problem.

He manages to kill zero Orks in close combat and I kill only seven Gretchin, but this is enough for all four squads to fail their Leadership tests and all four to be swept off the table with Initiative tests.

One Nob Bravely faces nearly 40 Gretchin after the Kustom Mega Kannons take out the rest of his unit!

He is not perturbed!  He sets himself up for another charge!

The Kommandos approach the Grots' hardened position...

...and make short work of it. Also, the Nob manages to kill the unit he assaulted with another Sweeping Advance and took but one wound in the Overwatch.  He falls back to an Objective.

Phil attempts to run his Warlord's squad down my right flank in order to try and score Linebreaker.  I line up a shot with my own Warlord and begin pouring Shokk Attack Gun shots into them.  I don't care about the danger... what else is the thing there for?

We squee with excitement every time I roll the strength on the Shokk Attack Gun.  I love this thing!

In the end, I am able to take out a great deal of the squad by turn 7 and its remains flee off the board.  Thanks for another great game, Phil!

At the end of the day, I score 76/90 points and win the tournament.  I excitedly purchased a real copy of Shield of Ba'al: Exterminatus for Brandon and me!

Ha! Winning!


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