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The Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge 2014 - Part 3/3

Well, I'm sorry it took so long, but the final installment of the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge Armies on Parade is finally ready for your viewing enjoyment!


Juravial got an early jump on things and clearly went above and beyond the challenge.  His Ultramarines are ready to assault any fortified enemy position with this highly mobile and fearsome force.  I hope your macro cannon pops some uppity traitors, Juravial!

So, Killian was not messing around.  He had his badass bike army done by March and it is gorgeous.  How did he do it? Who can say? I'm guessing Heresy.

Malahat Mike
Malahat Mike didn't join us until September, but he wasn't going to let that daunt him.  Now, he has a fully painted army for the first time in literally decades. Good on you, man!  Also, I laughed pretty hard at the "Mission Accomplished" pic in your thread. 

As you can see from these Contemptors, the group pic really doesn't do this army justice.  I love seeing an alternative scheme for Dark Angels, here as a chapter called the "Archangels".  Please check out the link to his thread for more.

Mills clearly knows their way around a brush.  The subtle edge highlighting and flawless striping in this army are something anyone could take notes from.  This is a truly gorgeous army and I recommend looking into this thread for more goodies.

The terrifyingly unreal array of pure, uncut WIN in Ministerofpork's Hobby Progress thread is staggering. The weathering coupled with an actually clean paint-job underneath provides the viewer with a stunningly realistic, yet fantastic treat. I hope we see more from him in the future.


Obrinser's marines think the Imperium is full of punks and I heartily agree.  He's got a vibrant and fun army here with some really rad alternative drop pod models.

pablothegreat is not only an excellent community member, but is also a darn good hobbyist. Again, we see another ICs member breaking the stereotype with a vibrant, beautiful Necron army.


This unique mix of Crimson Fists and Grey Knights sports a lot of infantry and some of the character is quite nice indeed.  My favorite model is this Librarian.  The solid, red toga, the purple force sword and the banner are all really impressive.  Great work, Physhdude!

Moo.  Moo moo moo moo.  Mooooo Moo Mooo Mooo Moo Moo.  MOOOOO! Moo moomoo moo.  


As much as a cohesive mono-god themed Chaos list looks great on the table, I also do love to see the kaleidoscope of putrescence which is an undivided list.  Love this army and I really like how puracy did his dates!


This is absolutely one of my favorite shots in all the HPC this year. It really gets the imagination fired up and looks to be Forge World quality stuff. Go git 'em, Horus!


One of my favorite things to se on the battlefield is a trio of Vindicators ready to unleash Hel on the enemy.  I love ryantsg's army... so much armor... so much death. His work ethic is laudable and his execution is quite pristine.  Great work, man!

Scrambles' army is anotherwhere you really need to click the link to the thread in order to really see what's going on. This is one of the more unique Astra Militarum armies I've seen and it's really quite impressive.  I love the added details Scrambles has used to set their army apart from the rest.  Kudos!

Well, I guess this photo kind of speaks for itself, doesn't it?

Okay. One more.  Yeah.  Black Templars be like, you ain't pious enough...


Having just read Battle of the Fang, I know that these Fenrisian Astra Militarum are total badasses and I can see the appeal of painting this particular list.  Great work on this, seb; I quite lke the work that went into this model count.

SRM was clearly the Honey Badger of this year's Hobby Progress Challenge. His 2nd Edition Ultramarines are a thing of beauty.  Great community member. Great hobbyist. What more can I say?

And who doesn't love corsairs?  I really enjoy seeing a combined force of Eldar and Dark Eldar on the tableand stainerp does a great job of marrying the two. 

student teacher
student teacher is one of our most valued community members. He is very encouraging and prolific with his posting.  Also, he's brought a lovely White Scars army to the table this year along with some really impressive Legion of the Damned and an imaginatively-executed Inquisitor with his retinue. Be sure to click his forum link to see more.


TheSelsword's progress is clearly above and beyond the call of duty, as you can tell from the group shot above. I wanted to also show you an example of the effort and attention to detail which goes into every model. Look at this guy.  Imagine an entire army like that in just a few months....   Right? My mind is blown, too.

warpoet's unique Nurgle army is quite a inspiration for anyone who wants to theme their entire army to Nurgle.  Note the custom mount and the delightful Maulerfiend.


Sadly, one of my resolutions for 2014 was too convince WildWeasel to use some darn vibrant colors for achange.  I kid, of course.  This is one of the incredible things abnout the Tyranids, the fact that you can paint them pretty much however you want thanks to the wondrous variety of nature.


I fell asleep five times posting this last participant, but that won't stop me from mention how great it was having a person with real work ethic in the Sisters forum considering how poorly my own project went.  Awesome work, XM10ADefiant! I am duly impressed.

That marks the end of the Armies on Parade for the ICs HPC 2014.  Thanks so much for taking the time to read and follow along.


  1. That's awesome Loopy! I can't believe how much effort you put into commenting personally on each army.


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