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The Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge 2014 - Part 2/3

Today we have the first half of the Armies on Parade!  Please note that this list does not discriminate on whether folks finished all of their commitments on time... anyone who completed an army are celebrated here with equal fanfare.

Andy Ovel - Flesh Eaters
I really like the scheme Andy chose with the cool stripe on the face.  I think the stand-out feature are the bases which you can see on this in-progress pic.  Great work here on this super-awesome assaulty list.

Aninja's Astral Claws

I was really impressed with Aninja's army from the start.  The great paint job wasn't enough for him, though, and it was the back-story for his army which set him apart.  Awesome work on this thematic and beautiful army.


Astroth is one of the hobbyists who you can tell really loves his army. The sheer number of units painted to a great quality speaks volumes to his commitment to the hobby.  Keep showing those Necrons whose boss, Astroth!


It was tough to pick a close-up to feature of Bill from Imperial Vox Cast's Slaanesh Daemons army, but this actually is one of my favorites.  I really love the fel flames where the Seeker is touching the marble base (awesome use of flooring materials) and I really get a good feeling of the texture of the Seeker's flesh. Very impressive, especially considering Bill's commitments to podcast and family.


I don't think it should come as a surprise to anyone that my favorite models of the army are these super rad Tomb Blades. However, the army as a whole really feels beautifully cohesive and I love the fortifications Blaine built for it.  I think Fortifications are a great way to further add theme to any army, allowing you to actually alter the battlefield to assert your thematic dominance!  With an army like this, BlaineThPain has a great chance of being a happy choo-choo until the day he dies.


Another really awesome Slaanesh Daemons army has my quaking in my boots. I'd love to do this kind of army and I think I could convince the wife to let me do it because the lady LOVES purple.  You should really click the link in the previous caption and check out the rest of Bowlzee's army; the Daemon Princes are incredible.

Brother Demetrius

Brother Demetrius put together a cool Tzeench and Khorne Daemon army. These vibrant Flamers are my favorite models of the lot.  Thanks for sticking with it and finishing your challenge, man. That shows great integrity. Awesome work!

Yeller iz da new red!  I love yellow Orks and the blue Cataphract picked to compliment it is incredible.  I love this army.  This warboss is a great example of his skill and if you click on the link in the previous caption, you'll see a lot of great units in detail.


Good, clean coats and attitude are this army's strengths.  I mean, just look at this pimp right here.

This guy is REALLY not all that fond of renegade heretic scum. I often wonder where these Dreadnoughts fit all the ammo.  Well, whatever the case, this is a really fun army and Chef_Wulfen wasn't just a consistent hobbyist, but a dedicated contributor to other peoples' threads. Thanks for all the great work, Chef_Wulfen.
Cicero's community involvement is hard to beat. He is a positive member of the forums and shows genuine interest in the progress of others. If that weren't enough, his work is staggeringly prolific and of exceptional quality.  His vehicles have weight and his characters are very expressive. Do yourself a favor and click the link in the previous caption for more of his 21-page thread.

Cornu Mortem

I couldn't find a full army shot of Cornu Mortem's progress this year.  This might be due to the fact that he has 73 pages of madness in his HPC thread!

His dedication to the Dark Angels is laudable.  His dedication to quality in detail (evidenced here with fully-painted consoles for his command Rhino) is staggering.  Great work, Mike!

In a mad dash before his trip to the UK, Carl completed a ton of models for his Word Bearers army.  The army looked really hot on the field at Warhammer World! Too bad he didn't get a chance to face off against the Hello Kitty titan!


cypher226 really embraced the character inherent in the Forge World models and did them justice.  He put together an army worth of the Word Bearers... the composition really rings true.  I look forward to seeing his Mechanicum... I wonder if they will stay loyal to the Imperium?


DeMante was another individual whose methodical schedule reaped amazing results.  I really appreciate his army's understated monstrous nature.  These look like good and proper ravenous beasts of war. Keep it up!
I think this model says all that NEEDS to be said about Dogbert's "Fall of Hydra Minoris" list.  Zombies and other corrupted models shamble about and make a nuisance of themselves in this beautifully grotesque army.  I can't wait to see more from him.

Evil Space Elves

What more can I say about Evil Space Elves army except that his thread is 57 pages of pure chewing satisfaction.

Add to that the fact that he is an active, honest, and helpful member of the community and he's the full package.  Thanks, Evil Space Elves!


I think of Gigantor as something of a kindred spirit. He is a positive influence on our community as a whole and his army looks awesome. We're happy you joined us, Gigantor. Keep up the great work on all fronts.

iplaythisgame has great technique and work ethic. His models are a treat. Be sure to visit his blog for the whole story. There is some pretty unreal stuff there.


Irondog really captured the classic style of the Ultramarines scheme, but with a modern twist and modern technique.  Very nicely done. This is easily one of my favorite armies this year.

We can joke all we want about Necrons being easy to paint, but Jerre's dedication is just plain unreal.  This was not aparticularly simple scheme and Jerre put loads of painted models on the table.  He's also been a very consistent participant over the years... great work, Jerre.
I have the pleasure of jholtmusic being a local buddy of mine and we get to play regularly.  His army is a treat to play against because it shows real effort and pride in his work.  The Legion of the Damned are wonderful and you should click on his link to see more.

That's enough for now.  Please check back later this weekend for the final installment when we bring the rest of the Armies on Parade.


  1. Awesome post loopy! Some of the challengers had finished so long ago that I had forgotten some of the armies. And thanks for taking the time and effort to compile this and say something nice about everyone. You truly are a hero of the war on bare plastic!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Awesome, thanks Loopy! I had a blast painting this year, and all of the encouraging comments were great motivation!


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