
Showing posts from January, 2015

The Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge 2014 - Part 3/3

Well, I'm sorry it took so long, but the final installment of the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge Armies on Parade is finally ready for your viewing enjoyment! Juravial Juravial got an early jump on things and clearly went above and beyond the challenge.  His Ultramarines are ready to assault any fortified enemy position with this highly mobile and fearsome force.  I hope your macro cannon pops some uppity traitors, Juravial! Killian So, Killian was not messing around.  He had his badass bike army done by March and it is gorgeous.  How did he do it? Who can say? I'm guessing Heresy. Malahat Mike Malahat Mike didn't join us until September, but he wasn't going to let that daunt him.  Now, he has a full...

The Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge 2014 - Part 2/3

Today we have the first half of the Armies on Parade!  Please note that this list does not discriminate on whether folks finished all of their commitments on time... anyone who completed an army are celebrated here with equal fanfare. Andy Ovel - Flesh Eaters I really like the scheme Andy chose with the cool stripe on the face.  I think the stand-out feature are the bases which you can see on this in-progress pic.  Great work here on this super-awesome assaulty list. Aninja's Astral Claws I was really impressed with Aninja's army from the start.  The great paint job wasn't enough for him, though, and it was the back-story for his army which set him apart.  Awesome work on this thematic and beautiful army. Astroth