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Orksvent Day 19 - Squig Rustler

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Squig Rustler
Bitey Squig
Hopping Squig
Spitting Squig
Stinker Squig

Unit Type:  

Infantry (Character).  The Squigs are Infantry except the Hopping Squig which is a Beast.

Unit Composition:

1 Squig Rustler and 4 squigs, one of each variety in the profile above.


  • Grabba stikk (Squig Rustler  only)
  • Slugga (Squig Rustler  only)
  • Stikkbomms (Squig Rustler  Only)

Special Rules:  

  • ‘Ere We Go!
  • Furious Charge
  • Mob Rule
  • Guard Squigs
  • Independent Character (Squig Rustler only)
  • Chomp! (Bitey Squig Only)
  • Spit! (Spitting Squig Only)
  • Stink! (Stinker Squig Only)

Chomp!  This model’s close-combat attacks are resolved at AP 4.

Spit!  This model shoots goobers of acidic phelgm at the enemy!  This is a grenade resolved at Strength 6 AP 3.

Stink!  This model is malodorous to the extreme.  At the beginning of the fight sub-phase, before blows are struck, nominate one enemy model within 6” of a model with this special rule.  That enemy model’s Weapon Skill is reduced by 2 if it fails an Initiative test using its own Initiative instead of the highest in the unit.

Guard Squigs:  Squigs may attempt to Look Out, Sir! for a Squig Herder even when rules indicate that they may not (such as in a Challenge).  The Squig Herder and his Squigs are permitted to join other units, in which case both the Herder and his Squigs join the unit. If the Herder then leaves the unit, all his surviving Squigs also leave the unit, forming a separate unit with him.  If the Squig Herder is killed whilst part of a unit, his surviving Squigs are removed from play as they either run off or are squished by the rest of the Orks in the unit.


May add up to 4 more squigs of any  variety in the profile above for an additional 5 points each.
Any army that includes a Squig Rustler may add Squig Byproducts to their list of upgrades.  Any Character may purchase these upgrades. Two such upgrades may be purchased per Squig Rustler in your army.

Squig Byproducts:

Squig Juice (15pts): An Ork which imbibes this alcoholic beverage before the battle receives a +1 to his Leadership score. He has no fear!  Okay, maybe a little fear.  The buzz eventually wears off, however. Every time he passes a leadership check, roll a dice.  The effect ends on a 4+.

Squig Leather (10pts):  Squig Leather gives a slight improvement on regular ‘Eavy armor.  A model with this upgrade may re-roll its armor save, though it does not enjoy a re-roll if it has a better armor save than a 4+.

Squig Dung (5pts):  This substance is made from ground-up, concentrated Hopping Squig dung treated with Stinker Squig bile.  A character gains +2 Initiative for 1 turn.  If the character is using a Power Klaw, they do not gain the Initiative boost and, instead, do not suffer from the Unwieldy special rule.  Either way, the Squig Dung is a one-time-use item.

Squig Bitz (20pts):  The character has hoarded a sack of choice squig parts which they can stuff down their throats to feel invigorated.  The character enjoys the It Will Not Die special rule.

Squig Shooters (5pts):  A living squig with an over-active Adrenal Gland is strapped to your character’s belt. At just the right moment, he grabs the Squig and squeezes the ill-fated creature’s juices into his mouth for a boost of energy.  This is a one-time use item which is declared at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase before blows are struck.  Your character receives +2 attacks this turn.

Squig Ink (15pts):  The character smears this by-product on his skin and arnor to enjoy a +1 to his cover save.

Tusk Grease (10pts):  A character with this upgrade receives a +1 to his repair rolls with Mek's Tools.  This will not improve the effectiveness of Da Fixer Upperz or other artifacts... they're already too good to improve upon!

Heart Squig (15pts):  This Ork has had one of his internal organs replaced with a Squig transplant. He enjoys a +2 to his Feel No Pain rolls or, if he has none, a 5+ Feel no Pain.


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