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Da Boyz Test List at Dirty Goblin September 2014 Singles Tournament

Once again I find myself at Dirty Goblin Games in Queensbury, NY for a fun tournament experience. I decided to try out the first concept for a list I would like to use at Da Boyz GT in November.  The Da Boyz list construction rules have an interesting and unique comp system which should be fairly well-known to everyone, but the essence is that Troops are unlimited, Dedicated Transports are 0-3, and all other units are 0-2.  Also, you are limited to a single Combined Arms Detachment, a single Allied Detachment, and Formations/Dataslates along with a 2-source maximum.

This is what I brought (or close enough that it doesn't matter):

1850 Pts - Codex: Orks Roster

Da Boyz 005

: Combined Arms Detachment (51#, 834 pts)
   1 Weirdboy, 70 pts
   1 Painboy, 55 pts (Bosspole)
   9 Tankbustas, 205 pts
      1 Boss Nob (Bosspole; Big Choppa)
      1 Trukk (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram)
   9 Tankbustas, 205 pts
      1 Boss Nob (Bosspole; Big Choppa)
      1 Trukk (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram)
   1 Looted Wagon, 57 pts (Rokkit Launcha x3; Reinforced Ram)
   1 Mek, 45 pts (Killsaw)
   10 Gretchin, 40 pts
      1 Runtherd (Squig Hound x1)
   1 Looted Wagon, 72 pts (Killkannon; Reinforced Ram)
   1 Mek, 45 pts (Killsaw)
   10 Gretchin, 40 pts
      1 Runtherd (Squig Hound x1)
   1 Combined Arms Detachment, 0 pts

Formation: Green Tide (102#, 1014 pts)
   1 Green Tide, 1014 pts (Formation)
      10 Boyz (Slugga)
      10 Boyz (Slugga)
      10 Boyz (Slugga)
      10 Boyz (Slugga)
      9 Boyz (Slugga)
         1 Boss Nob
      9 Boyz (Slugga)
         1 Boss Nob (Power Klaw)
      9 Boyz (Slugga)
         1 Boss Nob (Power Klaw)
      9 Boyz ('Eavy Armour; Slugga)
         1 Boss Nob ('Eavy Armour; Power Klaw)
      9 Boyz ('Eavy Armour; Slugga)
         1 Boss Nob ('Eavy Armour; Power Klaw)
      9 Boyz ('Eavy Armour; Slugga)
         1 Boss Nob ('Eavy Armour; Power Klaw)
      1 Warboss ('Eavy Armour; Power Klaw; Shoota; Big Bosspole; Warlord)

Basically, the Painboy and the Weirdboy go into the Green Tide.  The Weirdboy rolls on Sanctic Daemonology hoping for Hammerhand and/or Gate.  We get across the table and krump some 'eads. The Tankbustas are there to ace out as many vehicles as possible early on to make the multi-assaults a little bit easier.

Game 1

Opponent: Astra Militarum and Grey Knights
Deployment: Hammer & Anvil
Primary Mission:  Tactical Escalation
Secondary Mission:  Emperor's Will

I don't even remember which Warlord Trait I rolled, but I got Hammerhand for one of my Psychic powers, so I was as happy as a clam about that.

I deployed first with a thick line of Boyz in the front.  I was afraid of John's Wyverns, and the deepstriking Dreadknight, but I was going first (theoretically), so I decided to risk a thick front line.

I push forward the Tide and my vehicles, scoring a few TacOs.  His gun line does a little damage.

The Dreadknight deepstrikes and nearly mishaps, but is in a great position along with the Terminators for barbecued Ork on Turn 1 thanks to the Formation he's using. 

My Painboy was in grave danger, but thanks to some Look Out Sir rolls and some great Feel No Pain rolls once there were no Boyz left alive within 6", he survived but just barely!

We take our lumps on the forward flank as well.

The Mekboy with Killsaw is murdered thanks to random allocation in vehicle explosions.

The HammerHand Orks charge!

As do the Tankbustas.

The other squad of Tankbustas make a suicide run at the forward Chimera because their Trukk is dead.

The Green Tide cleans up on the Terminators and Dreadknight. 

The Gretchin move up to harass.  Even though their Mekboy is also killed, they manage to make a unit of Veterans flee off the board.

The Boyz try to lurch forward again.  Thank goodness John is helping me move my models!

Closer.... closer....


Although the game is fun and the end is glorious, we finish on Turn 5 and I am unable to make up the points for the win.

Game 2

Opponent: Dark Angels
Deployment: Dawn of War
Primary Mission:  The Spoils of War
Secondary Mission:  Purge the Alien

This time, I rolled abysmally on the Psychic table, but I did happen to draw the Strategic Warlord Trait which allows you to Infiltrate with your Warlord and three other units.  This resulted in a highly amusing deployment.

So this is what it looks like when you Infiltrate with the Green Tide...

This is what it looks like when you get up in there.  I lost close to 40 models on Turn 1 thanks to the Bolter Banner, but I think it would have been a lot more had I not Infiltrated.

I assault in and try to put wounds on the Toughness 5 models with my Strength 3 Orks.

Some of the Bikes are able to Hit & Run away, but I am locked with some Bikes that didn't make it and also the Terminators.  The Tankbustas, of course, make short work of the Land Raider.

The escaped bikes draw a bead on my backfield.


The Orks erase the rest of their opposition on the other side of the table and, thanks to WAAGH!, are able to launch an assault at the enemy in the center who have been harassing my support units.

The Ravenguard are wearing thin...

One Looted Wagon full of Grots and the remaining Tankbustas score TacOs on the outskirts of the board.

At the end of the game, my opponent was tabled, but the game was fun and crazy!

Game 3

Opponent: Space Wolves
Deployment: Vanguard Strike
Primary Mission:  Purge the Alien
Secondary Mission:  Big Guns Never Tire

For this game, I was able to score Hammerhand again which was a great relief to me considering there were Wolf Cavalry on the other side of the table!

Some Wolf Guard drop in and harass my back lines.

The Tide surges forward, eyes on the Wolf Cav who I know can clean up against my other units.

Assault?  Why not?

This combat raged for 3 full turns.

I whittled the tough models down one wound at a time.  My Weirdboy eventually Perilsed himself out of existence, though.

One Wolf and Arjac held on for a long time.

On Turn 4, Arjac rolled 20 saves, but failed 1 of them and finally perished!

The Wolf flyer (proxied here) harassed my back lines, eventually denying me the Primary mission.

I rushed in with the much-reduced Tide and killed all of the Longfangs.

While the Tankbustas took out the hovering flyer.


In the end, I won the game, but on secondaries, and took third place in the tournament.


Warlord Choice:  I used the Warboss in the Green Tide as my Warlord over a Warboss or Big Mek in the CAD with Finkin Kap because I think the WAAGH! on every turn is more important than 2 Strategic Traits with re-rolls.  I'm not so sure about this now as I think Infiltrating with the Green Tide could be much, much better than WAAGH! every turn, but at the same time I MUST take a CAD, so I'd probably end up losing the Weirdboy which is a tough sell at this point.  I may try a test game with a KFF Big Mek instead.

Saves:  The 'Eavy Armor on some of the squads is a MUST, as is the Painboy.  If I were allowed multiple CADs, I'd honestly have 2 Painboys instead of 1.  As it is, I have to be very careful about where I place him.  The 'Eavy Armor sprinkled around the squad really creates these great speedbumps where the wound allocation has a tendency to just stop dead in its tracks.

Backfield is Weak:  I think that, perhaps, the Tankbustas aren't quite cutting it in this particular list.  I like Tankbustas more than Meganobz in general, but I think that for this particular list, some Meganobz would do a lot better to protect the Gretchin and score.

Da Boyz GT Format:  I sure wish I could take the Ork Horde Detachment or Ally with myself in this format so I could take a third HQ.  Orks can live or die by that extra character.  Well, I think the list has promise just the same.  I'm also trying to wrap my head around a Bike list built around the Bike Warboss from Imperial Armor 8 as they are also allowing any 1 40k-approved Forge World unit in your list.

Ask for Help:  If you ask your opponent to help you move models and remove failed dice rolls, your game will go very quickly and you'll likely finish your games unless they also brought a blob list.

At any rate, thanks for reading!


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