August Singles Tournament at Dirty Goblin Games

I had a fun, but exhausting time at the tournament last Saturday.  I do believe I'm wearing a bit thin like "butter spread over too much bread".   But I'm glad I got some games in with the Orks.

Combined Arms Detachment

Big Choppa515
Big Choppa515
Eavy Armor41872
Power Klaw25125
Eavy Armor41872
Power Klaw25125
Big Gunz18590
Extra Grots3927
Ammo Runts3515
Reinforced Ram515
Reinforced Ram515

Allied Detachment

Grot Orderly515
Reinforced Ram515

Game 1

Opposing Army: Eldar (2x units of Dire Avengers in Wave Serpents, Farseer (x2?), Fire Dragons in a Wave Serpent, War Walkers, Warp Spiders, 2x flyers)
Primary Mission:  Purge the Alien
Secondary Mission: The Relic
Deployment:  Dawn of War
Result: Eldar win on primary (8-7) with Orks taking secondary and both players taking 2 tertiaries

I mistakenly decided to use the Warlord Trait to Infiltrate my Tankbustas and Meganobz.  I didn't realize that, in 7th Edition, we cannot assault if we go second when Infiltrating.

I over-committed the Boyz against the War Walkers. I should have just sent the Meganobz over.

We are playing a little cat and mouse on the left flank due to my Infiltrate blunder.

The squad of 8 Tankbustas are able to destroy two Wave Serpents in multi-assault.  The unit is amazing if it doesn't get its Trukk shot out from under it too soon.

The flyers didn't do as much as they usually do. I blame some bad dice on this.

The Boyz take out the other Wave Serpent and set themselves up to assault later.

I try to get back with the Tankbustas to add threat to the Relic. I'm not sure they could have done much more against the Dire Avengers.

The Outflanking Deffkoptas add quite a bit of threat to the board, snapping at flyers and assaulting as needed.

Boyz aren't too bad against Dire Avengers, but once some more weight is added to the fight, it becomes a bit of a nail-biter.  The new Mob Rule and Feel No Pain really helps in these situations.

After killing the War Walkers, the Boyz try to get back into the fight.

I never quite make it into combat with the Boyz.  We end legitimately on turn 5, thus snatching a glorious victory from my hands.

Game 2

Opposing Army: Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons (2x Heldrakes, Space Marines in a Rhino with Plasma, 2x2 Nurgle Obliterators, Terminators in a Land Raider, Cultists, Pink Horrors, Herald with Portaglyph)
Primary Mission:  Cleanse and Control
Secondary Mission: Purge the Alien
Deployment:  Hammer & Anvil
Result: Chaos wins on both Primary and Secondary

Jacob opens up with a seized initiative thanks to his Warlord Trait.  This combined with the longways deployment means that the game will likely be very frustrating. A Battlewagon and a Trukk are the victims of this event.

I advance as fast as I can.

I hide where I can

The Lobbas focus on the autocannons which could really chew up my Orks once they get out of their vehicles.  I should have, however, focused on the Horrors.

The Red Boyz take the brunt of the Turn 2 shooting, including Heldrake fire.  They break and run.

Those responsible for this outcome.

The Tankbustas set themselves up for a multi-assault against the Land Raider and the Rhino.

The Tankbustas from the destroyed Trukk have no hope of seeing Turn 3.

The Meganobz, who were tied up in close combat with the Terminators, suddenly find themselves free of the last Terminator's grasp thanks to a scattered Lobba shot.

They assault the Horrors.

I roll an 8 on the charge and reduce it to a 7 with my re-roll and am able to get 3 or 4  (I can't tell) into the Land Raider and 1 into the Rhino with 1 Tankbusta making a choice.

Meltabombs explode both vehicles.

We are able to wipe out the Flamers which had been produced by the Horrors.

The Deffkoptas wipe out the Cultists.

The deepstriking Obliterators make a mess of my back lines.  I need to find room in my list so that I can keep something back there for counter-assault purposes.

The Meganobz do rather well indeed throughout the game.  I am highly impressed with them as long as I choose the right targets for them and don't send them on suicide missions.  The Bosspole is a must on this unit.

I am able to kill a Heldrake in assault, but my momentum was long ago pacified by Jacob.  I was never able to overwhelm him and take enough Tactical Objectives.  In Hammer & Anvil deployment, I must be sure to place more objectives on my side of the table or mid-field so that I can grab them easier.

Game 3

Opposing Army: 5th Edition Grey Knights (8 Paladins and Draigo in a Land Radier Crusader, 5 Paladins in a Land Raider, Calidus? Assassin in a Stormraven)
Primary Mission:  Emperor's Will
Secondary Mission: Tactical Escalation
Deployment:  Vanguard Strike
Result: Tie on Primary and Orks win Secondary

At first, I was morose because I was told I was getting the bye for my last game.  I was drinking my sorrows away when I was told someone had dropped and I'd get a third game in. After a celebratory drink, we played.  We actually drank to our (mis)fortunes after turns 1, 2, and 3.  By the time we took this picture, we were three sheets to the wind.

At the end of the game, I had 6 Boyz, 2 Trukks, a battlewagon, and not much else left while my opponent had Draigo and 5 paladins left.  It was a true slobberknocker.


  • Put more objectives on my half of the table in Hammer & Anvil and Maelstrom missions
  • Have a rear-guard of some kind... something either cheap or something shooty and still a bit tough. Perhaps Flash Gitz?
  • Consider bringing back the Comms Relay
  • Do not over-commit.  Instead, have a secondary Battlewagon assault unit hold back in cover in order to assist any flank which may have trouble.  Again, perhaps this could be a squad of Flash Gitz or Meganobz in a Dedicated Battlewagon.  This is tough to do the way I run Orks because I don't quite have as many units as I should.
  • Tankbustas are baller, but I don't think they will be underestimated again.
  • I loved my unit of Outflanking Deffkoptas with a Painboy. It was great fun and a rather nice tool.
  • 1 squad of Gretchin in a trukk is pretty great. They can be great both in Maelstrom and regular missions.


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