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Seriously, You Guys...

Did you not read my last post?  It's almost as if I'm not an internationally-beloved Z-list internet celebrity whose words you hang on for support and guidance.

Like, seriously.  You made me write a blog post on my lunch instead of getting well-needed walking in as prescribed by my doctor.


The news of 7th edition isn't worth the kvetching.  The news of Unbound armies is not worth throwing your models out the window.  It isn't worth getting into heated debates over.  The fact is that the only fact is that we don't know all the facts.  We don't know the special abilities which are granted to Battle-Forged armies. Perhaps these abilities are meant to give them a boost against spammed lists?  What if it gives you some great options against a specific unit of your choosing?  Or an army-wide ability if facing an Unbound army?   I think it sounds awesome to bring whatever army you want.  If the Battle-Forged abilities are designed to fight spam, then taking an Unbound force which is sufficiently diverse will be fun and cool without being totally wrecked by these Battle-Forged units.

We just don't know what's coming.

T.O.s are Ready

So, imagine, for a moment, that what is perceived to be "the worst" befalls us. What then?

If anyone has been paying attention to the community chatter for the past couple of months, you'd know that many of the major Tournament Organizers are ready to take the bull by the horns and admit that it's time for them to set the social contract for their tournaments.

Reece from Frontline Gaming has repeated several times that if 7th Edition is a competitive shit show, he will respond for his events and that many T.O.s agree with him.  Granted, I don't think we'll be able to get a national or international agreement on format, I think that the winds of change have blown pretty strong here.  I think that, if 7th edition isn't what folks find to be a fun rules set, the T.O.s are ready to take matters into their own hands.

But they may not need to.  The edition may be fine.  It may be the most fluffy AND most competitive edition yet.

We just don't know what's coming.

Don't Over-React When It's Released

I must caution the decision-makers who might be listening to please not over-react.  Don't ban the cool, new, fun stuff out of turn.  I don't want this to be like the 1999+1 debacle at the start of 6th. There can be common ground found between throwing something out completely and keeping it intact. Please do try everything multiple times and in multiple situations before making a change or, worse, a total ban.  

Please don't make up your mind about a rules concept before even seeing it because some blow-hard in your store, game group, or on the internet is whining about it.

We just don't know what's coming.



  1. I think GW is making it easy for tournament organizers to just require Battle Forged army lists. Indeed maybe Unbound is for when you play with friend and arrange the game in advance (which is really what GW seems interested in). The Battle forged is a nice alternative for organized play or when yo are playing with someone you don't know well at a club.

    The unbound rules make it easy for friends to decide to have an all air force battle or an all tank battle, or whatever crazy thing you want to try when you are more focussed on fun than who wins.


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