
Showing posts from November, 2013

Chaos Commissions So Far

I've been thinking about expanding this blog beyond just the exploits of my Orks.  I've got a lot of other things to show and talk about, so I feel like I want to share about other stuff.  The first post in this vein spotlights some work I've been doing for a buddy at my home FLGS, Grimfoe Games in East Greenbush, NY.

You Should Attend Da Boyz GT 2014

I have returned and rested up from my trip to Canandaigua, New York for Da Boyz GT 2013.  This was my first time attending this event.  In the past, the only GT I've ever attended has been Adepticon. I must say I was rather nervous about this trip.  I always get nervous about attending a GT.  I worry about my opponents and whether they're going to be nice or not.  I worry about the terrain and whether it's going to be sparse or lack line-of-sight-blocking elements.  I worry about whether the tournament or my opponents will accept my conversions for use in our games.  For this tournament especially, I worried about the list composition restrictions which felt, to me, like it would restrict the lower-echelon codexes far more than the high-powered codexes.  I'm happy to report (spoiler alert) that the vast majority of these concerns were largely unfounded, as usual. I prepared for this GT by by painstakingly choosing models for cool-fa...

On the Verge of Da Boyz GT 2013

Next week is Da Boyz GT .  This is the first time I've attended the event, so I'm not really sure what to expect from it.  What I want from it is a lot of really fun games and to meet a bunch of cool people.  I'm sure I'll get that, so it's really already a win for me.  I want a good challenge, too, as usual.  I think this will be a huge challenge for me as the comp system really narrows the field of competitive netlists to a few nasty ones which I think will be made all the tougher with the WAAGH! I've put together. I'm also looking forward to playing with the folks who regularly use this system to play their games.  I think these players are going to be very good at the game and able to worm themselves out of the situations in which I put them.  I really do think it's going to be a very tough weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. So, the list I'm bringing is almost as eclectic as I can get while still being competitive.  I ...

Situational Awareness

I was playing a fun game against a buddy's Black Templars last night using my Da Boyz GT  list and was winning soundly.  I had eliminated one troops choice camping on the his Emperor's Will objective with shooting.  Using Mad Doc and my Stormboyz, I had also destroyed another big blob which had tried coming around the center blocker's left side.  Yes, friends, Shazzo Blitzklaws (Zagstruck) actually landed and assaulted (twice!) in this game.  I'd tied up a third unit in assault along with a dreadnought on his side of the center blocker.  My opponent assaulted this scrum with his Command Squad. Eventually, Mad Doc destroyed the Dreadnought and my Boyz in the scrum were dead. In the end, my opponent had only six models left and I held my own Emperor's Will objective and I lost the game. There were two major factors to my loss which are entirely my fault and absolutely unnecessary.  The first is that I failed to notice that one model remained...

Cyboar-Riding Nobz

What little time Mad Doc Drillteef doesn't spend krumpin or counting his teef horde, he spends experimenting with bioniks.  There have been many failed experiments with the myriad species which skitter, gallop, slither, and soar about Ultima Segmentum.  The only species hardy enough for his efforts to succeed besides Orkoids themselves have been the common Terran Boar.  The Boar is second only to the Norway Rat in its invasiveness throughout the galaxy and it has survived millennia among humans and their conquerors alike.  Drillteef's Brainboyz have raised some rather big and nasty varieties which the Doc enhances with some rather crude, yet effective Bioniks.  He only awards his most trusted Nobz with these creations, of course. I bought the models and bitz for this unit at Adepticon 2011.  I was really excited about building them and the first time they took to the field, the unit lost zero actual models, but was swept off the board by Death Com...