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9000 Points

It seems that 9000 points has snuck up on me.  I'm super proud of this milestone.  Only one Stompa and a couple of HQs from 10,000 points.  At that point, I hope to do a full unit breakdown.  I have some commissions to take care of first.

I forgot to add the bastion to this picture, but that's fine.  The table was freaking FULL!

WAAGH! Drillteef - 9251 Points

1 Mad Doc Drillteef, D.D.S., 160 pts (Warlord)

Big Meks:

1 Big Mek Scar 'Ead, 140 pts ('Eavy Armour; Attack Squig; Bosspole; Kustom Force Field; Power Klaw; Cybork Body)

1 Big Chef Grubzog, 45 pts (Bosspole; Grot Oiler x1)

1 Big Mek Bolt Toof, 50 pts ('Eavy Armour; Bosspole; Cybork Body)


1 Warboss Wagonkrumpa, 115 pts ('Eavy Armour; Attack Squig; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Power Klaw)

1 Big Boss Grimblitz, 110 pts (Bosspole; Cybork Body)

1 Boss Thudguts, 80 pts ('Eavy Armour; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)

1 Warboss Gitsmasha, 85 pts ('Eavy Armour; Attack Squig; Bosspole)

1 Boss Vrunzogga, 140 pts (Bosspole; Cybork Body; Warbike; Power Klaw; Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon)


1 Old Greg, 145 pts

1 Wurr Bob and Loopy, 85 pts (Warphead)

Oddboyz and Dun-git'ers:

10 Da Brute Squad's Tankbusta Boyz, 195 pts (Tankhammer x2)
. . 1 Sarge Hullkrakka (Bosspole; Power Klaw)

14 Kommandos, 255 pts (Burna x2)
. . 1 Boss Snikrot

9 Big Dakka Boyz (Red Lootaz), 135 pts

8 Big Dakka Boyz (Yeller Lootaz), 120 pts

12 Scar 'Ead's Burna Boyz, 225 pts
. . 3 Mekboy

20 Da Skyhamma Boyz (Stormboyz), 325 pts
. . 1 Sha So Blitzklawz


5 Doc's 'Ardcases (Looted Termies), 270 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Cybork Body)
. . 1 Trukk (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram)

5 Doc's 'Ardcases (Looted Paladins), 270 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Cybork Body)
. . 1 Trukk (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram)

1 Da Krumpin Squad, 513 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Cybork Body)
. . 1 Sawbones (Cybork Body; Grot Orderly)
. . 1 Pawn ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body)
. . 1 Pyro ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Power Klaw; Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon)
. . 1 Krusha ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Waaagh! Banner; Power Klaw)
. . 1 Bossburna ('Eavy Armour; Ammo Runt; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Power Klaw; Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon)
. . 1 Norbert ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Big Choppa; Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon)
. . 1 THAC0 ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)
. . 1 Roy (Bosspole; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)
. . 1 Bruce ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)
. . 1 Mongo ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body)
. . 1 Trukk (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Stikkbomb Chukka)

1 Da Krumpin Squad (Da Washouts), 373 pts (Cybork Body)
. . 1 Doc (Cybork Body; Grot Orderly)
. . 1 Cheney da Faceshoota ('Eavy Armour; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)
. . 1 Logan ('Eavy Armour; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Power Klaw)
. . 1 Dakkabob ('Eavy Armour; Ammo Runt; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)
. . 1 Snarl ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Power Klaw)
. . 1 Lurtz ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Big Choppa)
. . 1 Redshirt ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body)
. . 1 Killa ('Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Power Klaw)


19 Da Brute Squad's Wagon Boyz, 150 pts (Rokkit Launcha x2)
. . 1 Kaptin Kroolsnik

10 Da Brute Squad's Trukk Boyz, 141 pts (Rokkit Launcha x1)
. . 1 Sarge Blaktoof (Bosspole)
. . 1 Trukk (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Stikkbomb Chukka)

19 Yeller Shoota Boyz, 145 pts (Shootas; Big Shoota x1)
. . 1 Sarge Gitbonka (Bosspole; Big Shoota)

10 Yeller Shoota Boyz (Reserves), 111 pts (Shootas)
. . 1 Sarge Zagdakka (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Big Shoota)

19 'Ard Boyz, 250 pts (Big Shoota x1)
. . 1 Boss Ledbelcha (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Big Shoota)

10 'Ard Boyz (Reserves), 130 pts (Big Shoota x1)
. . 1 Sarge Kilchoppa (Bosspole)

19 Furhat Shoota Boyz, 145 pts (Shootas; Big Shoota x1)
. . 1 Sarge Dreddakka (Bosspole; Big Shoota)

9 Furhat Shoota Boyz (Reserves), 105 pts (Shootas)
. . 1 Sarge Ledstorm (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Big Shoota)

19 Da Skarboyz, 180 pts (Rokkit Launcha x1)
. . 1 Boss Skargrub (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Rokkit Launcha)

10 Da Skarboyz (Reserves), 91 pts (Rokkit Launcha x1)
. . 1 Michael Scott (Bosspole)

19 Gitfinda Boyz, 170 pts (Shootas; Big Shoota x1)
. . 1 Sarge Krudklaw (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Big Shoota)

9 Gitfinda Boyz, 75 pts (Shootas)
. . 1 Nob Dakkablitz (Big Shoota)


19 Gretchin, 67 pts
. . 1 Runtherd

19 Gretchin, 67 pts
. . 1 Runtherd

19 Gretchin, 67 pts
. . 1 Runtherd

19 Da Lucky Gits, 67 pts
. . 1 Zorn Da Kunnin


1 The Red Barork, 135 pts (Red Paint Job; TL Supa Shoota x3; Flyboss)

1 Da Rokkit Ship, 130 pts (TL Supa Shoota x3; Flyboss)

1 Da Yeller 'Un, 130 pts (TL Supa Shoota x3; Flyboss)

Bikes and Buggies:

11 Sootbelcha Boyz, 340 pts
. . 1 Sarge Zoomdakka (Bosspole; Power Klaw)

2 Deffkoptas, 150 pts (TL Rokkit Launcha x2; Buzzsaw x2; Cybork Body)

2 Deffkoptas, 150 pts (TL Rokkit Launcha x2; Buzzsaw x2; Cybork Body)

2 Deffkoptas, 150 pts (TL Rokkit Launcha x2; Buzzsaw x2; Cybork Body)

0 Warbuggies, 105 pts
. . 3 Warbuggy (TL Rokkit Launcha)

0 Warbuggies, 105 pts
. . 3 Warbuggy (TL Rokkit Launcha)

Big Gunz:

3 Boomgretchin (Red Team), 94 pts (Lobba; Additional Gun Krew; Ammo Runt x3)
. . 6 Gretchin
. . 1 Runtherd

2 Zzapgretchin (Red Team), 69 pts (Zzap Gun; Ammo Runt x3)
. . 4 Gretchin

3 Boomgretchin (Yeller Team), 94 pts (Lobba; Ammo Runt x3)
. . 6 Gretchin
. . 1 Runtherd

2 Zzapgretchin (Yeller Team), 69 pts (Zzap Gun; Ammo Runt x3)
. . 4 Gretchin

3 Boomgretchin (Orange Team), 94 pts (Lobba; Ammo Runt x3)
. . 6 Gretchin
. . 1 Runtherd

2 Zzapgretchin (Orange Team), 69 pts (Zzap Gun; Ammo Runt x3)
. . 4 Gretchin


3 Da Steelgrots, 125 pts (Big Shoota x1; Grotzooka x1; Skorcha x1)

1 Da Yeller Klaw!, 120 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Armour Plates; Grot Rigger; Dreadnought CCW x2)

1 Deff Dread Fred, 120 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Armour Plates; Grot Rigger; Dreadnought CCW x2)


1 The Fat Pig, 115 pts (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Stikkbomb Chukka; Big Shoota x2)

1 Rustbukkit, 150 pts (Armour Plates; Deff Rolla; Red Paint Job; Stikkbomb Chukka; Big Shoota x4)

1 Steamrolla, 150 pts (Armour Plates; Boarding Plank; Deff Rolla; Grot Rigger; Stikkbomb Chukka; Big Shoota x3)

1 Orktimus Prime, 110 pts (Grot Rigger; Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Big Shoota x1)

1 The Electrork Mayhem, 120 pts ('Ard Case; Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Big Shoota x1)

Looted Wagons:

1 Long Tom, 110 pts (Boom Gun; Big Shoota x1)

1 Big Mum, 125 pts (Boom Gun; Big Shoota x1; 'Ard Case; Reinforced Ram)

1 'Lil Mum, 130 pts (Boom Gun; Rokkit Launcha x1; 'Ard Case; Reinforced Ram)


1 Da Scrap Pile wiv a Talk Box, 70 pts (Comms Relay)

1 WAAGH! Tower, 125 pts (Emplaced Heavy Bolters x4)
. . 1 Gun Emplacement (Quad-gun)


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