Dakkajets and Warpheads Return to the Tournament
I went to the last local singles tournament before Adepticon tonight. I figured I should go ahead and go back to what has worked in the past, so I brought an 1850 version of my Wing and a Prayer list. Here it is:
Adepticon 014b - A Wing and a Prayer
1 Weirdboy, 85 pts (Warlord; Warphead)
1 Weirdboy, 85 pts (Warphead)
3 Big Gunz, 91 pts (Lobba; Additional Gun Krew; Ammo Runt x2)
. . 6 Gretchin
. . 1 Runtherd
3 Big Gunz, 94 pts (Lobba; Additional Gun Krew; Ammo Runt x3)
. . 6 Gretchin
. . 1 Runtherd
29 Boyz, 235 pts (Shootas; Big Shoota x2)
. . 1 Boyz Nob (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Big Shoota)
29 Boyz, 235 pts (Shootas; Big Shoota x2)
. . 1 Boyz Nob (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Big Shoota)
8 Lootas, 120 pts
8 Lootas, 120 pts
1 Aegis Defence Lines, 70 pts (Comms Relay)
1 Dakkajet, 130 pts (TL Supa Shoota x2)
1 Dakkajet, 130 pts (TL Supa Shoota x2)
1 Dakkajet, 130 pts (TL Supa Shoota x2)
4 Meganobz, 325 pts
. . 1 Battlewagon (Deff Rolla; Red Paint Job; Rokkit Launcha x4; Kannon)
Game 1: Chaos Space Marines
List: 2 Heldrakes, Tzeench Sorcerer with Burning Brand, 2 squads of Thousand Sons in Rhinos, 2 squads of 3 Nurgle Obliterators, and a mob of cultists.
Game: The Relic/Hammer & Anvil
Synopsis: We had a relatively good game. I was able to keep the Boyz spaced out rather well and was able to rush the The Relic and over-run his Thousand Sons. He made the mistake of focusing on one unit of Boyz, which for some armies is a good idea, but it allowed me to assault easily on turn 2 with my other squad. I did suffer from a lot of bad luck on the first two turns, but that was balanced by the fact that his Obliterators didn't make it on the board until Turn 4. I could tell he was disheartened by this, but the game was pretty balanced. There were a few times during this game where I had my models positioned horribly if he did get the Obliterators in. I need to be more careful of my positioning when making consolidate moves.
Result: 6-0 Orks
Game 2: Dark Angels
List: 1 Tac Squad, 1 dakka dread, 3x 5-man deathwing squads, one with a Cyclone and two with Assault Cannons, all with a mixture of other toys, one 6-man squad of Ravenwing with melta, a multimelta attack bike, two Devastator squads with missiles and lascannons, and Azrael behind an Aegis Defense Line with an Icarus Lascannon.
Game: Purge the Alien/Vanguard Strike
Synopsis: I played this game with a buddy from our own local game group. This game really highlighted the weaknesses of Terminators in combat. When they are stuck in with Boyz, they are almost always going to lose to attrition. Terminators should have a very strong shooting phase before making the assault. Unfortunately, my opponent was under a lot of pressure to get into close combat because of all the shooting I'd brought. The Big Gunz being toughness 7 was also a major factor in this game. I personally would have chosen to attack the troops instead, but I was lobbing a lot of shots behind the defense line with those Lobbas and they truly were a real threat. I learned an important lesson about Meganobz in a battlewagon without Mad Doc. I made the big mistake of not engaging a squad of marines with them. Instead, I tank shocked in order to get closer to my opponent's back lines. The squad, then, blew up the Battlewagon and the explosion pinned the Meganobz, almost costing me some points and could have potentially cost me the game had my shooting gone differently. That Leadership continues to be their major Achiellies' heel and I need to be more cognizant of that in the future.
Result: 6-0 Orks
Game 3: Grey Knights
List: 2 Dreadknights with tellyportas and cheaty flamers, 2 marine squads in Razorbacks with Psibolt ammo, Terminator squad with a myriad of crap, Level 3 Librarian, dakka dread, Vindicaire Assasin
Game: Purge the Alien/Dawn of War
Synopsis: I played this game with another friend. It seems as if every list I make is very weak against monstrous creatures. It's true that most monstrous creatures fall to weight of fire, but the Dreadknight with its 2+ save is very hard for me to whittle down, especially with the shunt move. This game was made worse by the decision I made to clump up at my picket line. I was counting on my opponent not rolling to steal the initiative. This proved to be an unfortunate decision on my part because instead of killing 5 Boyz with the flamer, he killed 13 or so, then removed some more models with the second Dreadknight. He was able to assault and kill my meganobz, then sweep them with ease. That made me sad. It was made worse after zero Dreadknigts were dead when all three Dakkajets arrived and I poured my entire army into them. I was able to kill one in assault, but by then it was too late. The Terminators began to crawl into range and the other Dreadknight was rickrolling through my lines.
Result: 16-4 Grey Knights
I'm not sure what to do about the Dreadknight situation. I wonder how likely I am, really, to face them at Adepticon? I know Tankbustas would be great to handle Daemons, but the Dreadknight's 2+ is bothersome.
This is a good list with some bad match-ups. I think most of the lists I make are like that. I just have to decide which bad match-ups are worse and more prevalent.
I am actually considering adding Tau allies, but I'm not sure where I'd cut to fit them in.
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