
Showing posts from December, 2021

2021 in Review and Looking Forward

Newly-painted models of 2021 Hobby progress was largely successful in 2021 with a huge focus on repainting old Orks into the new scheme.  Album for fully painted models of 2021: Album for repainted models of 2021: By the numbers: Points fully painted: 4457 Models fully painted: 132 Points repainted: 5467 Models repainted: 205 Total points: 9924 Total models: 337 After completing all the repaints, I managed to get some army shots of the Orks, which doesn't include the new Megaboss or the Bossbunker, but it's most everything else, about 26,000pts in new money: Morkers Morkers Dreadmob Gorkers Mercenaries and Misc. 2022 For 2022, I have a lot of projects on the burner including more Orks, a Cities of Sigmar project, and Tau. As usual, the Rogue Trader idea keeps percolating and collecting one kit at a time in its little, plastic container. Orks: 9x Killa Kans 3x Deffkoptas (also need to rebas...

'Ardboss Deffnikk and His Bossbunka

The road to Doc Drillteef's successes are paved with the broken corpses of the Warbosses who think they're in charge of the Painboss's armies. The most recent of these is 'Ardboss Deffnikk who benefits from the warband's significant mechanical resoruces. Not only is Deffnikk a tough Ork in his own right, but his physiology has been juiced by the Doc's own ministrations. What's more, the boss's armour is massive that it has been crafted by none other than Big Mek Dreadnutz whose usual specialty is usually the construction of walkers.  The Warboss and his Bossbunker were a treat to paint. It was interesting to try a quartered scheme on an Ork, but why not with all that armour? The Bossbunker looks really great on the battlefield and I think you'll agree when you get one painted up in your army's colors.