
Showing posts from July, 2020

Quarantine Roundup 3 - June 10 to July 26

As the summer moves apace, more opportunities for outside excursions have developed, so the progress has been somewhat lighter than in previous roundups, but I still have lots to report. June 18: I volunteered more time to paint up three more marines for the 100-marine charity challenge on the 1 Hour a Night Facebook Group. We should be getting a lot more shipped in and then I can start putting together the display case for them. June 25: I decided it was high time that I get the Mekboy Workshop painted up. This was gifted to me by my FLGS when the codex was released. What a delightful kit! I also added a few extra grots. July 8: After a good week of hobby hiatus (though I was working diligently on researching and preparing podcast material for the 9th edition release) I finally completed the repaint of El Queso Grande. As usual, this involved replacing the red with blue and intensifying the yellow while making various other touch-ups here and there. ...