
Showing posts from August, 2017

More Big Trakks with Supa Kannons

I'm bringing all three of my original Boomgunz to the Beef & Wing Brawl and wanted a fourth, so this weekend I did repaints on all of my old tanks and did a build & paint on a new one. Original paint: WiP: Completed Models:

Supa Kannon Repaint and Beef & Wing List

This was one of the first models I ever painted. It's going to be in my list for the upcoming Beef & Wing event, so I thought it deserved a new paintjob. Here's What it used to look like: I've been practicing my list a great deal and this is the current iteration of the list. I've really been trying to avoid having a "Big Bad" that someone will target with massed shooting. The Mek Gun crew are great, little objective-holders considering they're treated like Characters for a much reduced price. Kaptin Badrukk has been over-performing for me recently and I decided to add him for the hell of it. Also, I'm looking forward to teleporting him behind enemy lines and killing the character of an unwary opponent with him. The general strategy is to hold back and use the cannons to eliminate any deepstrike buffers the enemy may have. Turn 2, bring in one unit of Kommandos and Jump a large unit of boyz for a big assault. With 8 command p...

Star Eagles Reivers

Reivers are a natural fit for the Star Eagles' Combat Doctrine. The II Company rarely attempts an engagement without one or two squads of these murderers.

Choosing Your Tactics - Star Eagles in the New Edition

So, I've been inexorably drawn into a new Star Eagles project thanks to the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. I love these models and couldn't help but stick some together and slather some paint on them. Of course, now I'm wondering what I ought to do with their Chapter Tactics now that the new Space Marines Codex has been released. Although the 2nd Company has always been the "Codex" face of the Chapter, they're still very much true Star Eagles. They are still engineered from the Yanchi stock in order to correct the Raven Guard geneseed somewhat. For this reason, their Combat Doctrines are much the same as that of other Star Eagles Battle Companies. They are deployed in extreme environments where other Astartes with the Raven Guard geneseed would be unable to operate. The 2nd Company are also still the followers of the Vita Kunde, the Pulse of Battle. Where the Ravenguard excel in subtlety, the Star Eagles specialize in lightning hit and run tactics...