So, I've been inexorably drawn into a new Star Eagles project thanks to the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. I love these models and couldn't help but stick some together and slather some paint on them. Of course, now I'm wondering what I ought to do with their Chapter Tactics now that the new Space Marines Codex has been released. Although the 2nd Company has always been the "Codex" face of the Chapter, they're still very much true Star Eagles. They are still engineered from the Yanchi stock in order to correct the Raven Guard geneseed somewhat. For this reason, their Combat Doctrines are much the same as that of other Star Eagles Battle Companies. They are deployed in extreme environments where other Astartes with the Raven Guard geneseed would be unable to operate. The 2nd Company are also still the followers of the Vita Kunde, the Pulse of Battle. Where the Ravenguard excel in subtlety, the Star Eagles specialize in lightning hit and run tactics...