
Showing posts from July, 2017

Star Eagles II Company Mganga - Vurugu

The Star Eagles call their Librarians "Mganga" which loosely translates to "Savior of Souls". The term is not limited to Astartes Librarians alone, however. Many individuals from the Star Eagles' Chapter World are skilled at the capturing of a soul, or Masheha , at the moment of its body's death. However, the responsibility of an Astartes Mganga is greater than that of any common mortal, for the Star Eagles are the brave defenders of the long histories and traditions of the Yanchi. Unfortunately for Mganga Vurugu, he has been assigned to II Company, the public face of the Star Eagles. None of the Astartes assigned to the 2nd Company are aware that the Masheha tradition even exists except for Vurugu. The Company exists simply to keep up appearances for the rest of the Imperium. With the emergence of the Cicatrix Maledictum, however, the 2nd Company has been completely shut off from the rest of the Chapter. As the decades have passed, Mganga Vurugu has ...

Stratagems for Defensive Positions

There has been some hand-wringing in regards to alpha strikes in the competitive community. This is understandable, if I'm keeping it 100. I offer up the following for playtesting. 1CP - Go to Ground -  Stratagem Use this stratagem at the start of your opponent's shooting phase. Pick one of your infantry units. That unit is treated as being in cover even if all of its models are not in cover. If that unit is already in cover, it is treated as being completely obscured instead. The effects of this stratagem last until the start of your next turn. 1CP - Hull Down - Stratagem Use this stratagem at the start of your opponent's shooting phase. Pick one of your vehicle units. If that unit is partially obscured from any firing units, but not by 50%, then it is treated as 50% obscured. If that unit is already 50% obscured, it is treated as being completely obscured instead. The effects of this stratagem last until the start of your next turn. 6CP - Defensive Position -...

Freehand - Destruction!

Another freehand commission. The fact that I couldn't clear coat today means there was a lot of glare in these photos. You get the gist of it, though.

The Death by Stereo Project Begins

The Emperor's Children have always intrigued me. I've also always wanted to do a "motley" style paint scheme with fun models.  This is the start of that project. In the next squad, I hope to experiment with more patterns such as animal and floral prints, checkers, and tartan. Behold! Perry Navaro and his band, Fulgrim's Addiction! (be sure to click for zooming) Soundwaves as unit designation because any other method of unit designation would be absolute folly.