
Showing posts from January, 2017

Cerastus Knight Acheron: Smaug Complete

Currently piloted by the talented, young Scion Martial Davyd Bevvry, Smaug is renowned for the total decimation of its foes. This Questoris Knight Acheron revels in the total immolation of any Daemonic hordes which would threaten to swarm his fellow House Draco Knights. Of course, when the smaller foes have been reduced to smouldering brimstone, Smaug can deliver devastating blows with his chainsword against Daemon Princes and Greater Daemons alike.

The Jabberwock

Even the most patient hands in House Draco cannot hope to completely tame the bloodthirsty machine spirit of The Jabberwock. This knight is pressed into service only when the mission is of the most dire variety. Even then, only the most experienced warriors are bound to its carapace. Only the most skilled and wise Preceptors survive the experience. No matter how bloody the engagement gets, however, the Jabberwock has always climbed out of the rubble and ashes, ready to slaughter another day.

Melifecent and Drogon are Complete

I got the old Warhammer Fantasy decals in the mail yesterday and just had to jump in and finish these. I forgot to do the brush-on clear coat to protect the decals from the spray dullkote, though, so I had some repair painting to do, but they look good! Looking forward to doing the rest of them just as soon as the Goldensprue Cup GT is over.