
Showing posts from March, 2016

Helboars of Tuska

It was no surprise to Tuska that some of the hardiest Orks who followed him into the Eye of Terror were the Snakebites. With them came their companions, the war boars. Now, these terrifying creatures have been twisted and empowered by the Blood Prince to serve the needs of Tuska's WAAGH! in their re-emergence into the Materium.  ~ * ~ Of course, the technique used for fur is layered drybrushes. It's kind of hard to see in the photos, but for the white, gray, and brown pigs, I've used all the same colors, just in different amounts. Even the white pigs have a bit of the brown drybrushed on their bellies. I love the Flesh Hounds; they're fast and can hit pretty hard.

Diggaz Tanks

The Diggaz of Ghorok have are still quite adept at keeping their vehicles up and running, particularly their Leman Russ tanks. This heavy armor has given some of the Digga tribes an edge against the many Ork and Digga raiding parties throughout the hive. ~ * ~ I used weathering powders for this project and had some issues with their interaction with the clear coat. I had to go back and do some washes with Reikland Fleshshade to fix the discoloration. I also drybrushed the rust with some Leadbelcher in order to get the impression that the Diggaz have been moving around on the rusted machinery.   Renegades & Heretics Allied Detachment (680pts): If I just want a small list with some Objective Secured and some high-strength shooting, here's the list I'll probably use. This will omit the Punisher tank. The Banner of Hate inside the Chimera should provide a fairly reliable fire base with decent morale. HQ: Renegade Command Squad (8#, 195 pts) ...