
Showing posts from February, 2015

The First of Tuska's Minions Breach Through to the Materium

There was fire in their bellies and pure adulation in their hearts as they tore across the flesh and blood battlefield for the ten thousandth time while an undulating rabble of frothing, red-skinned, fire-eyed foes rushed to meet them. Tuska, their great Warlord, ran at the head of the horde and a dozen Daemons ricocheted off his impact and another dozen fell to his massive klaw. The horde roared with approval and surged forward. The Orks hacked and slew their way through the gibbering phalanx. Gutteral cries of approval rang out on both sides of the battle. Meanwhile, along the flanks, Orks pressed to join the fight and Daemons skirted the sparse, fleshy terrain of the blood world. A small band of choppa Boyz came upon one such lurking band of Bloodletters and fell upon them. These foes did not press back with a counter-offensive; instead they fell back in  defensive stance and parried the Boyz' attacks with their own Hel-seared swords. Suddenly another small squad...

Combat Patrol Tournament at Dirty Goblin

Tonight was Valentine's Day, so Dirty Goblin threw a quick Combat Patrol Tournament to get us home in time for dinner with our significant others. It was a really good idea and gave me an opportunity to try out my Adepticon list. Herald of Tuska Combat Patrol List v2.1 - 400pts 1 Warp Mek Sizzlegrub , 104 pts (Shokk Attack Gun; Ammo Runt x3; Gitfinda; Da Dead Shiny Shoota; Warlord) 13 Boyz , 107 pts (Slugga) 1 Boss Nob (Bosspole; Big Choppa; Twin-linked Shoota) 12 Kommandos , 150 pts 1 Boss Nob (Bosspole; Big Choppa) 1 Mek Gunz , 39 pts 1 Mek Gun (Traktor Kannon; Ammo Runt) 4 Gretchin Adepticon released their updated rules for the Combat Patrol event and the rules will make it impossible for me to summon Bloodletters. This is a sensible move on their part, but it also means I had to come up with a new list.  Instead, I've added Kommandos and I'll be using my Orky Daemon models for them at the event. Today, I just used my regular Kommando models s...