
Showing posts from December, 2014

Kanban 2015 Status is Level: Sleepy Puppy

So, going into 2015, the ol' Kanban board is looking rather amusing. Thought I'd share.  This post is what constitutes my hobby commitments for 2015. Wish me luck, because all of this needs to be done in addition to trying to lose weight, working, doing the podcast , and having a life! Paint Work The main drive right now is to finish the two projects I have for Frontline Gaming. One is of 55 scouts and the other is a Space Marines project with some Legion of the Damned and some vehicles.  I hope to have them finished soon. Titans Also on the docket are the John's Titans.  I want these done by January.  I really, really do.  I think it's possible, but I just need to keep my greedy mitts off the Orks in order to accomplish it! I have several stages to complete: Prototyping Cut body base Re-position legs Chassis Missile pods Arms Neck Head Guns Trim - in progress Fill gapsSand Details Fill gaps Sand Secure to a base for balanc...


I have been a retail supporter of Battlefoam  for years and I love their foam and cases. I honestly do not understand the complaints about their foam because my models suffer no ill effects from it regardless of my rough handling of said miniatures. The only way I can imagine folks having a problem with wear is if they don't clear coat their models and I just can't understand how one wouldn't do that. I also don't take at face value the rumor mill regarding the management at the company. Certainly, there are legitimate criticisms to be made regarding how the company interacts with the world from time to time, but I've had nothing but good experiences with them. Having said that, none of the media I ingest these days is supported by Battlefoam.  Indeed, there is very little which Battlefoam supports from which I benefit.  Everything I do (aside from Adepticon) is supported by KR Multicase . I have seen their cases before and they seem a fairly ingenious an...

Orksvent Day 25 - Combined Supplement

For Christmas, I have combined all of the WAAGH! Drillteef Supplement-related materials into one document, including as many fluff pieces I could find.  It needs a lot of streamlining, but this should be good for now.  I hope that you all enjoy it. I was pleased to have done this calendar even though I probably should have been more diligent about my other things, but it's Christmas and this was my gift to myself. A big thanks goes out to all those who followed this project and encouraged it.  Happy Holidays! Note that the file is really, really big. I will try to get it smaller as soon as I can. Download the Combined WAAGH! Drillteef Supplement PDF! Check out the rest of the Orksvent days!

Orksvent Day 24 - WAAGH! Drillteef Supplement Part 7 - Mad Doc Drillteef, Implacable Conqueror of Worlds

Download the PDF! Check out the rest of the Orksvent days! WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Drillteef 5 2 5 5 3 4 4 9 4+ Normally, Mad Doc Drillteef is represented on the tabletop by either a Painboss or by Mad Dok Grotsnik.  The stats presented here reflect Doc Drillteef at the crescendo of a major operation when all bets are off and his crazed desire for victory is all but unstoppable. Battlefield Role: Lord of War Points:  285 Unit type: Infantry (Character) Wargear: Slugga Dok’s tools ‘Urty syringe Larfin Gas Tank Deff Drill (Power Klaw) 3 Grot Orderlies Larfin Gas Tank:  Mad Doc Drillteef never takes to the field of battle with his tank of Larfin Gas which gives him the “kurrij” to face down the mightiest of foes.  The Larfin Gas Tank may be equipped on the back of a Mad Doc, Painboss, or Painboy. When they do, the character provides a 4+ Feel No Pain instead of 5+. Special Rules:   ‘Ere...

Orksvent Day 23 - Da Grim Foe of Xorn IV

Download the PDF! Check out the rest of the Orksvent days! Da Grim Foe of Xorn IV Battlefield Role: Lord of War Points: 5000 Unit type: Vehicle (Superheavy Walker) Strength D, Weapon Skill 4, Ballistic Skill 2, Initiative 2, Attacks 2 AV: 14/13/12     HP: 50 Transport Capacity: 300.  When Da Grim Foe is destroyed, all units riding inside are completely annihilated by the explosion.  Any rules which would allow these units to return to play are ignored. Special Rules: Way Too Red: Da Grim Foe moves an additional 1". Before you move, roll a die. On a 1, the Grim Foe lurches forward 24", crushing friend and foe alike. Terrain: Da Grim Foe counts as terrain for the purposes of model placement. Any models placed on the arms can be instantly destroyed by Da Grim Foe if the controlling player chooses to forego shooting either of the Hurricane Battle Cannons.  When Da Grim Foe is destroyed, all units riding aboard are completely an...

Orksvent Day 22 - Campaign Prep Game

Check out the rest of the Orksvent days! I've never played a game using Maelific Daemonology before and since I'm going to be using it extensively in the upcoming campaign with James, I decided to get a game in today.  I had a weird smattering of models available, but was able to put together a fine semblance of a 1500pt Ork Warband on foot.  I figured that a test game with Jason would help me get an idea of the tone to set for our narrative games to come. 1500 Pts - Codex: Orks Roster - Campaign Prep Daemonology Combined Arms Detachment (52#, 1017 pts) 1 Big Mek Skar 'Ead , 155 pts (Killsaw; Kustom Force Field; Grot Oiler x1; Attack Squig; Bosspole; Da Fixer Upperz; Warlord) 1 Weirdboy , 70 pts 1 Mek , 20 pts (Kustom Mega-Blasta) 1 Mek , 20 pts (Kustom Mega-Blasta) 11 Boyz , 107 pts (Slugga) 1 Boss Nob (Power Klaw) 10 Gretchin , 40 pts 1 Runtherd (Squig Hound x1) 1 Boss Snikrot , 60 pts 11 Kommandos , 140 pts (Burna x2) 5 Kommandos , 80 pts (...

Orksvent Day 21 - Tellyporta Mob Formation

Download the PDF! Check out the rest of the Orksvent days! Tellyporta Mob Formation Some Warbosses have daring and kunning that borders on stupidity.  Instead of plodding along in space (which can be quite a hassle, some Ork leaders have taken to using Tellyporta teknology to invade planets.  It’s not always the best tactical decision and it is never safe, but it certainly gets a lot of boyz across the galaxy pretty fast. Formation: 1 Warboss 1 Big Mek 3 Units of either Boyz or Warbikerz.  Restrictions: The Warboss and Mek must, together, join one of the other units from this Formation at the start of the game.   The Boyz and Warbikerz must be filled to the maximum number of models allowed by their unit description. Models which are not a part of this Formation may not join units in this Formation before units in this Formation have arrived from Deepstrike. Units in this Formation may not select a Dedicated Transport. Special Rules:...

Orksvent Day 20 - Zogwort's Choice

Download the PDF! Check out the rest of the Orksvent days! For Orksvent Day 20, I wrote a short story about how Ghazghkull convinced Zogwort to join his WAAGH!  I hope you enjoy it.  I had a million other things I should have done instead, but I was feeling very selfish today and I've had this idea knocking around for a while.  Thanks to Snorre and Jason for proof-reading and suggestions. Zogwort’s Choice A short story by Adam Fasoldt Sister Superior Jamie Herzog wore an expressionless mask before the oversized, glowering Space Marine in the bridge’s pict screen.  She was alive, but she still bore painful bruises and, she was certain, at least one cracked rib.  The pain was good, though, and the chair she occupied beside the command throne was blissfully uncomfortable. The command throne was far too big for its occupant.  Inquisitor Bovar bore no injury, though his artificer armour’s cloth tabard had more holes in it now than it had ...