
Showing posts from August, 2014

Loopy Paints Unto Others - Yme-Loc Eldar

This was another tough Wave Serpent project. I can certainly understand why folks have these built and painted by others. Two were requested to be distinguishable as being for Fire Dragons. Click to ZOOM!

Loopy Paints Unto Others - Dan's Nurgle Daemon Princes

A little while ago, I had the opportunity to paint some Daemon Princes for a buddy in my local gaming group.  I've always wanted to do some of this stuff, so I agreed to take the job and get a few nice hours of something different. Remember to CLICK to ZOOM! First is the usual Nurgle dude.  I went with a gray pallor.  It was already primed with a purply red which I quite like for Nurgle.  That pooling blood and fester... I'm finding I like using purple for the shade color and gray for the skin color on these Daeomons who are "far along" in accepting Papa Nurgle's "blessings" Next is a Nurgly Be'lakor.  He looks rather lean and cut, so I decided he was a bit more "ripe" than the other Daemon.  I went with a more fleshy color, but used Tallarn Sand for the basecoat to give it a sickly tinge.  I also added some red, oozing sores on his body and made the chaos brand on his chest still raging red with infection.  I'd have...

August Singles Tournament at Dirty Goblin Games

I had a fun, but exhausting time at the tournament last Saturday.  I do believe I'm wearing a bit thin like "butter spread over too much bread".   But I'm glad I got some games in with the Orks. Combined Arms Detachment Unit Each # Total Painboy 50 1 50 Bosspole 5 1 5 Painboy 50 1 50 Bosspole 5 1 5 Mekboy 15 1 15 Mekboy 15 1 15 Meganobz 40 4 160 Bosspole 5 1 5 Trukk 30 1 30 Rokkit 0 1 0 Ram 5 1 5 Tankbustas 13 8 104 Nob 10 1 10 Bosspole 5 1 5 Big Choppa 5 1 5 Trukk 30 1 30 Rokkit 0 1 0 Ram 5 1 5 Tankbustas 13 8 104 Nob 10 1 10 Bosspole 5 1 5 Big Choppa 5 1 5 Trukk 30 1 30 Rokkit 0 1 0 Ram 5 1 5 Boyz 6 18 108 Eavy Armor 4 18 72 Nob 10 1 10 Bosspole 5 1 5 Shoota 0 1 0 Power Klaw 25 1 25 Boyz 6 18 108 Eavy Armor 4 18 72 Nob 10 1 10 Bosspole 5 1 5 Shoota 0 1 0 Power Klaw 25 1 25 Big Gunz 18 5 90 Lobbas 0 5 0 Extra Grots 3 9 27 Ammo Runts 3 5 15 Deffkoptas 35 5 175 Saw 25 1 25 Rokkits 0 5 0 Battlewagon 115 1 115 Rein...