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Showing posts from August, 2013

How Did it Come to This? 10,000 Points of Painted Orks

One can only make so many milestone posts before people eventually get soul-crushingly bored of them.  However, I'm going to make an exception here because with my Vengeance Batteries, I've reached a total of 10,000 points painted with my Orks.  These points include reasonable upgrades, but not ridiculous add-ons like Kill Kannons for the Battlewagons.  Let's not be silly . Here's a video of the army.  Unlike the one I did for 7,000, this does not include a running commentary of each unit.  I simply cannot find the time to do that.  However, at the end of the post, please find a complete army list. Please try to view in YouTube instead of this embed because I uploaded it at full resolution and it took me forever.  You won't be disappointed! I started playing this game in 2010 when some friends and I suddenly realized that we finally had grown-up jobs and could actually afford it.  I'd always danced around the idea of collecting Or...

Boom Goes the Fortification

So, I immediately had to pick up a Vengeance Battery when I saw it at my local FLGS.  I squealed with glee (literally) when I saw that I could take what amounted to a pair of Leman Russ for my Orks at the low, low price of 170 points.  Well, thanks to the overall awesomeness and flexibility of my Space Marines, I was able to pick up the box after winning last month's singles tournament.  My three poor, defunct Looted Wagons frowned with unrelenting sadness when I brought this box home. I started by putting the models together with the bare minimum bibs and bobs.  I also sawed off the skully bits. I realized early on that I wanted to retain the struts on the ridges, but the ones included were far too stylized.  For this reason, I chose to saw off the "feet" and glue them on properly. I, then, proceeded to add Orky bitz and plasticard plates/dags to the models. Then, it was time to build the struts.  Thi...