
Showing posts from March, 2013

Background - Warboss Wagonkrumpa and Boss Thudguts

This article continues my series on the background of WAAGH! Drillteef. This article focuses on the first Warboss to join the WAAGH!, Warboss Wagonkrumpa. The model was originally just a regular Blackreach Warboss, but after a while I decided to convert him up and add some character. I also added a Battlepouch and used him as an objective marker in the Adepticon Team Tournament. Old Wagonkrumpa doesn't see the table very much anymore due to how much my mega-armored Warboss brings to the table, but he's still one of my favorite characters in the army. Thudguts is more of a secondary character and his story mainly hinges on his jealousy of Wagonkrumpa. In Drillteef's early days, before his ambition grew into a WAAGH! of his own, he met a jovial Warboss named Wagonkrumpa from a Speed Freakz splinter clan which had joined WAAGH! Grok. Wagonkrumpa was an odd Ork. He was often soft-spoken and friendly. He never thumped his Boyz when they angered him... or, mo...

Dakkajets and Warpheads Return to the Tournament

I went to the last local singles tournament before Adepticon tonight. I figured I should go ahead and go back to what has worked in the past, so I brought an 1850 version of my Wing and a Prayer list. Here it is: Adepticon 014b - A Wing and a Prayer 1 Weirdboy , 85 pts (Warlord; Warphead) 1 Weirdboy , 85 pts (Warphead) 3 Big Gunz , 91 pts (Lobba; Additional Gun Krew; Ammo Runt x2) . .  6 Gretchin . .  1 Runtherd 3 Big Gunz , 94 pts (Lobba; Additional Gun Krew; Ammo Runt x3) . .  6 Gretchin . .  1 Runtherd 29 Boyz , 235 pts (Shootas; Big Shoota x2) . .  1 Boyz Nob  (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Big Shoota) 29 Boyz , 235 pts (Shootas; Big Shoota x2) . .  1 Boyz Nob  (Bosspole; Power Klaw; Big Shoota) 8 Lootas , 120 pts 8 Lootas , 120 pts 1 Aegis Defence Lines , 70 pts (Comms Relay) 1 Dakkajet , 130 pts (TL Supa Shoota x2) 1 Dakkajet , 130 pts (TL Supa Shoota x2) 1 Dakkajet , 130 pts (TL Supa Shoota x2) 4 Meganobz , 325 pts . .  1 Battlewagon ...

Background - Mad Doc Drillteef, D.D.S.

This will be the first in an ongoing (and likely never-ending) series of articles focused on the background of WAAGH! Drillteef.  Each article should be accompanied by a photograph of a character, vehicle, or battle being highlighted. I can't imagine any other way to start this series off than by presenting to you Mad Doc Drillteef, D.D.S. himself! About fifty years ago, a Ork named Grubbin emerged from the ranks of brainboyz in WAAGH! Grok (on the Galactic North side of the Eastern Fringe) as a truly talented individual. He wasnā€™t quite as unstable back then, of course. He was ingenious in his execution of bionik replacement surgery. Wealthy Nobz and even Warbosses from other clans who had joined the WAAGH! paid plenty of teef to subject themselves to Grubbinā€™s whims. Who in their right minds could pass up over a fifty percent success rate with only a twenty percent mortality rate? Over time, Grubbinā€™s averace began to get the better of him. He jealously guarded his col...


In my recent games, I've been having trouble with units which completely overpower 20 boyz in combat.  These are units with 2+ saves and the ability to single out the Power Klaw with challenges and either destroy him before he gets to swing or force him to watch on while the rest of the boyz swing uselessly in the combat.   I am beginning to feel as if I need to go back to a larger unit of Meganobz with Mad Doc in it.  This is extremely expensive, but to be honest, there doesn't seem to be any recourse.  While it's true that Monstrous Creatures, Terminators, and Wraithguard can be taken down with mass firing, multiple units like this on the field have a tendency to make it into combat regardless.  The amount of shooting required to actually deal with this many units is to go more heavily into shooting than I'm willing to. Let's look at my conundrum for a moment, and explore why I don't like the idea of going with a pure shooting Ork list.  In an ...

Forgeworld Biker Boss Complete

Well, he came out pretty good. Again, I don't have a name for him yet.  I'm really liking this unit right now, so that's why I moved this up in the queue.  This bike is from Forgeword for about $60.  Well worth it. The detail is exquisite. This took me a great deal of time to paint. Looks like I didn't pay enough attention to the mould line on the kombi skorcha. Oh well.

1850 is Hard

I played a good game with a buddy in our local game group tonight.   It did really well against his mixed Dark Angels list with a Dev squad with missiles, a Lascannon Predator, two Tac Squads with lascannons, 10 Deathwing (TH/SS, lightning claws, cyclone, chain fist, and assault cannon), Sammel, an attack bike, and a bunch of bike squads.  He took a lot of melta and he kind of rolled for shit, so I'm not sure really what to take home from the game.  I know the game would've been a far sight more difficult if he'd rolled better, but I also know my overall play was also not bad. Here's my list: Adepticon 0016 1 Mad Doc Drillteef, D.D.S. , 160 pts 5 Meganobz , 330 pts (Count as Troop Troops; Cybork Body)     1 Battlewagon (The Fat Pig) (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; Big Shoota x1) 19 'Ard Boyz , 240 pts     1 'Ard Boyz Nob (Bosspole; Power Klaw) 1 Battlewagon (Orktimus Prime) , 105 pts (Red Paint Job; Reinforced Ram; B...


I honestly don't want to know how many hours it took me to finish these.  I've now got three squads of thirty and one squad of twenty Grots.  I already had ten of each of the yellow, red, and orange Grots.  These had suffered a rather catastrophic frosting incident involving Games Workshop's terrible Purity Seal product and I did get a chance to fix that a little bit, though the gun barrels and some of the flock is still sub-par. I also got an opportunity to paint the Warboss a good friend of mine gave me from his last tournament winnings.  I've always wanted a warboss model to represent the "All the Attacks" build with Attack Squig and little else.  SEVEN attacks on the charge at Strength 6?  Sure! I'd try that!  I haven't decided on a name for him yet, however. My Process: Basecoat with Valspar Labrador Brown Drybrush with Boltgun/Leadbelcher, heavy on metal areas, light on other areas. Bas...