
Showing posts from April, 2020

Quarantine Roundup 1: March 20 - April 26

So far, despite the hardships throughout the world, my own experiences with the Quarantine have been very productive. Painting miniatures is very therapeutic.    I painted a lot of characters that have been sitting on my shelf and they've been a great palate cleanser and also cleared some big wedges from my backlog. April 1: This rad rocker is done in my pink Emperor's Children scheme except without the mad motley of other colors. The purple does such a better job that I am considering dragging out the rest of my Noise Marines to repaint them. April 2: This Anvils of the Heldenhammer Leena Stormspire was another personal challenge to take time and have patience during the work. I almost succeeded. I mean, I was done in a day, so I clearly didn't truly give her the time she deserved. April 4: My swamp-dwelling Defenders of S'val Necrons force have a new Cryptek, The Hag . She says "peace out!" This is another one thatd' been sitting around fo...

Rebasing WAAAGH! Tuska

I spent considerable time rebasing the Daemon Orks (DOrks) of WAAAGH! Tuska. It was really necessary considering how the models disappeared on the bloody bases. With a more neutral to cool tone on the bases, the models look a lot better.