Fading Sun, Rising Star

Vandyr Starmantle, Autarch of the Lugganath, Dearest Brother, I hope this note is delivered to you in a timely manner and its courier remains unmolested by the bullies in your employ. I cannot imagine that you were as surprised to see me as I you in our recent engagement. Your full armour and Swooping Hawk getup did not fool me. I could sense you behind the mask. Also, your body language was reminiscent of the boy I knew from before the universe collapsed around our people and threatened to swallow us whole. Still, I was surprised to see you. I must admit that when I saw your force of naive puritans arrayed against my own, we were caught off-guard. This is a rare occurrence, I assure you, therefore I am certain our encounter was not by chance. Moreover, many of your number had more than ample opportunity to end the lives of many of our number as they lay wounded and out of reach from aid. They did not -- rather, you and your forces faded back into the sky and the hidden paths f...