
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Diggaz of Ghorok Complete (for now)

It took several years of work, but I've finally finished 2000 points / 100 power level of Diggaz. Many of the infantry in this army were donated by kind individuals and I want to thank them deeply for providing so many of these incredible vintage models. This isn't exactly the army I could bring to a Games Workshop official event as there are several third party models in here including ones from Victoria Miniatures. I have no regrets about this as I love how this army looks.  I will provide the Reader's Digest version of the lore for this army and save the full details for a future episode of the podcast. These humans were once citizens of an Imperial world overthrown by the Orks who later renamed the world "Ghorok". Of course, most of the population was either decimated or enslaved. The Diggaz of Ghorok, under the leadership of "Commissar" Neela Holt, managed to survive on the outskirts of Ork society. They asserted their dominance over th...

Nostramo Coveted

The fecund outpost world of Nostramo called to Warp Mek Sizzlegrub. The Necrons had awakened something there and Sizzlegrub, a Deathskull with an unparalleled nose for salvage, smelled something valuable.  While the world as a whole had long been overrun by the blessings of Nurgle, the Necrons had recently blasted a beach-head in the center of an old, Imperial city. Nothing living remained where the Necrons maintained their base of operations. That is, of course, until Sizzlegrub made planetfall through the roiling vapors left behind by their scorched earth campaign. Although swarms of Necron scout vessels attempted to intercept the Orks, the Death Guard and their Daemonic allies solved the calculus of Sizzlegrub's intent and paved a swath through the Necron orbital resistance to allow the Orks passage.   As is his wont, Sizzlegrub dropped a duo of Gork's avatars in the vanguard supported by a flotilla of Boyz mounted on Trukks. The machines pushed de...

More Diggaz Infantry

The humans of Ghorok have expanded beyond that world since the coming of the Cicatrix Maledictum. Survival on the Ork worlds under the big, green thumb of Waagh! Drillteef is difficult for humanity, but not impossible.

Shadowhive Datastacks Plundered

Warp Mek Sizzlegrub's Warband With the coming of Gork's Grin (also known as the Cicatrix Maledictum), Waagh! Drillteef has seen their forcess split nearly in twain. While Drillteef himself amused himself by pestering Ultramar during the Plague Wars, the other half of his forces were trapped either in Imperium Nihilus or even the Great Rift itself. This half of Waagh! Drillteef quickly splintered into disparate warbands, each bent on their own ambitions. Thanks to his genius with powerful shokk teknology, Warp Mek Sizzlegrub wrested control of a sizable portion of the fleet which had not been totally swallowed by the Cicatrix Maledictum. Several upstart warlords and kaptins did make plays for power, but a few well-placed shots from the massive Shokk Destroya Kannon mounted in the mouth of his Kill Kroozer, Mork's Laugh, quickly put thoughts of mutiny to rest. Warp Mek Sizzlegrub had long been Drillteef's most adept scavenger. It was said that he could smell the b...