
Showing posts from April, 2019

Ynga Aetherwind's Marauders in The Month of Quinn

It's been some time since I've posted some hobby progress, but I've been busy! Fortunately, I've also had lots of help... My son was born somewhat prematurely, so although I've been super run down, I've also had time to make plenty of headway on my Kharadron Overlords army for Age of Sigmar. Behold, Ynga Aetherwind and her dastardly marauders... Captain Ynga Aetherwind, Aetheric Navigator Nelrik Blustergout, Aetherkhemist Vengrand Stembolt, Endrinmaster Bryngruff Ironjudge and his Reclaimers Hekja Grudgemaker and her Trolljobbers Zardunn Stouthull and his Stowaway Rats Engyl Felspark and his Thunderheads Frekka Grundluft and her Cloud Raiders This is what I've got completed so far, but I still have two Gunhaulers and a Galleon to paint, so there's lots to do yet!