2017 Hobby Progress - 17,000 points and 475 models

This year, I harnessed my D.I.N.K. status and the month off I got to recuperate from gastric bypass surgery to get a ton on hobby progress completed. Even with the relatively easy amount of personal responsibilities, it was a huge undertaking to get 475 models painted this year. Thanks to Wendy for being the coolest. Also thanks to my hobby peer group including my own 40k club made of various local and remote folks and also the people in the 1 Hour a Night Facebook group and the Insane Mode Facebook group. Note that, in addition to these painted figs, I found the time to renovate the game room, write about 45,000 words, co-produce over 30 episodes of the Masters of the Forge podcast, play lots of games, and run the Goldensprue Cup GT . I also attended The Portal GT , the Beef & Wing Brawl , and Da Boyz GT . Imperial Knights Army The first army I finished this year were my Imperial Knights of House Draco. I've had mixed experiences regarding my knights. They wer...