More Spawn of Bel'Ork'Kor Emerge From Pure WAAAGH! Energy!
"While it may be true that Orks are physiologically or psychically invulnerable to the corrupting presence of warp spawn, what evidence do we have that Daemon-kind is immune to the influence of the Orks' collective impression upon the Warp, which we know to be quite formidable indeed?" - Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Borys Dunkast two weeks before his fateful voyage into the Eye of Terror Bel'Ork'Kor is Warboss Tuska's chief Weirdboy and largely responsible for the WAAGH!'s eventual domination over the Blood Prince's hordes. Through pure psychic domination, the psyches of Tuska's Orks had grown strong doing battle over time incalculable upon the world of flesh in the Eye of Terror. Bel'Ork'Kor, through typical Ork trial and error, devised a way to fuse the psyche of an Ork with the semi-real manifestation of a Bloodletter much the same way Demons usually inhabit other species. Bel'Ork'Kor's experimentation came to a head dur...