Orksvent 2016 Part 1: Paragon Orks - Special Rules

The Orks of a Paragon WAAGH!'s armies are bigger and meaner than your average Ork. They are Orks at the pinnacle of their cultural evolution. The savagery, cunning, and endurance of Paragon Orks is reminiscent of the halcyon days of Ullanor and The Beast. These special rules represent the fighting style and natural abilties of The Beast's WAAGH! If you use Formations or Detachments from this supplement (more to follow), the following special rules apply to all units they contain. Tide of Brutes: Paragon Orks gain strength in numbers more than any other galactic threat. Their blood courses with the power of the WAAGH! All models with the Mob Rule special rule replace that rule with this one instead. A unit of Orks adds +2" to its charge distance (to a maximum of 12") and +2 to its Leadership (to a maximum of 10) for every 10 models with this special rule it has. Although the maximum Leadership for the unit is still 10, this is calculated ...