
Showing posts from June, 2016

FaT Mat Zone Mortalis Board

My Zone Mortalis board is built and base sprayed. I'll do some more walls and details maybe next week. Thanks again to Warboss Doug for donating the mats to our campaign. Video! Pics!

The Forges of Ghorok Campaign: Scenario 4 - The Lifts

The Mission Most of the Blood Ravens and Mechanicus forces are engaged in fighting throughout the Manufactorum, but a small team has penetrated the inner corridors thanks to the intimate knowledge of the facility by a Magos Reclamatus and the burning hatred of Orks at the heart of Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Fedrico Caphone. The Magos has informed the Blood Ravens that the STCs and Fabricator Locum have been secreted away to the lower levels of the Manufactorum Reclimat facility. So far, even after months of trying, the Orks have not been able to penetrate these defenses. With the shield power conduits disrupted, however, these defenses are also compromised and the Blood Ravens must make haste. The Armies For this scenario, 500 points each of Adeptus Mechanicus and Blood Ravens forces are fighting against 1000 points of Orks. Each Player uses the Zone Mortalis Combatant Force Organization chart. Game Play Both players roll off to see who decides to deploy first. The player dep...

Battle Report: The Forges of Ghorok Campaign - Shields Down

Big Mek Skarburna was accustomed to solitude, so the number of Boyz who had flocked to his workshop was a bit unnerving to him. They had little regard for the delicate tools and machinery he'd spent months collecting and building. "You lads! Get away from there!" he barked. The Boyz flocked around the shield generator power conduits, bathing their green skin in an even sicklier, green glow.  The telecapture nodes throughout the facility had shown him (and any other Mek with the kunning to tap into the feeds) what was coming. Beakies in maroon-painted 'eavy armor massacred the Ork and Digga defenders outside Da Big Fix, then in the outer skin cavity, and now penetrated into the inner shops. They all knew Skarburna's shop would be a key target because the Beakies loved dropping into a fight using their kustom torpedoes; and that was impossible with the shield up.  Clearly, then, the best fight would be had here, so the Boyz had arrived take part. They didn...