
Showing posts from January, 2016

The "Spork"

WAAGH! Drillteef claimed a great many war machines of the Imperium when they took the world of Shatara. The most venerable of these holy devices was an Ultramarines Thunderhawk Transporter named The Fist of Roboute. Oddly enough, the vessel was recently spotted sporting a variety of paint schemes during the Raid on Pakeshi IV. Not only was it defaced with Ork glyphs and red paint, but also the burgundy and bone colors of the Blood Ravens. The Blood Ravens have yet to offer an explanation as to why this might have come to pass. ~ * ~ This Thunderhawk was gifted to me by the players in my local area as thanks for the time and effort I put in running and promoting our events. Of course, I decided to add it to my Ork army rather than my Star Eagles. I plan on running this model using Andy Chambers' Looted Vehicle rules from the 3rd Edition Orks codex. This is more the first stage of done rather than properly done. I have a Looted Land Raider I'll be using in conjunction with...

Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Fedrico Caphone

Inquisitor Caphone was captured by Orks on the world of Shatara in the Pakeshi Sector. He was forced into the rusted shell of a hulking Deff Dread and forced to kill alongside his greenskin captors. Caphone was later rescued by the Blood Ravens on the world of Pakishi IV. Rather than waste all the intimate knowledge the Inquisitor had learned, the Techmarine and Tech Priests on hand chose to strip his mechanical prison, sanctify it, and reinforce it with the holy workings of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Inquisitor Caphone is still wildly unhinged, but he knows his foes and fights tirelessly to eradicate them.

New Year Workbench Retrospective and Commitments

Of course, with a year full of hobby, it was inevitable that I'd start 2016 with a hobby retrospective and set the path for the year to come. 2015 Completed Projects January and February: Last Frontline Commissions I had a great time painting for Frontline Gaming, but it was too much additional work to add to my daily routine. I appreciate the company for giving me the projects they did and I recommend trying it out to anyone interested in making a few bucks participating in the hobby they love, if only to learn a few things! February - December: WAAGH! Tuska I've been threatening to build this army for years and I've finally found the time and resources to devote to it. This is clearly this year's main hobby project. Or, at least, the one I'm most proud of. The army uses the Khorne Daemonkin rules to represent the Ork Warlord Tuska emerging back into the Materium having "fallen" to Khorne. March: Frank A listen...