Gorram Reavers

In October of 2013, I was contacted by a fellow Freeboota to custom build one or two Reaver Titans. My memory of the original request was for one, but I shortly realized it was for two. In return, I received some Sisters models, 4 and a half Immolators, 2 Exorcists, and some of infantry. Even though the base models, which were a couple of old Terminator toys, arrived in November, I though I could do it in a few short months. I really didn't have any idea what I was getting myself into. I'd done Ork stuff before, sure, but that's nothing compared to building Imperial models. The lines have to be at least somewhat straight and the entire model needs to be gap-filled and sanded from top to bottom. I'd like to say that I succeeded. Even though I didn't get it done in the time I was shooting for, I think the customer knew I was crazy for setting such a short goal anyways. He does his own custom Titans as well. Since December of 2013, I've spent over 192 hours (...