
Showing posts from May, 2015

Grubshine the Lucky

Grubshine is the good luck token of WAAGH! Drillteef. He is often passed from one Warboss to the other either through a wager or violence. Grubshine is often made to stand out on his owners Bosspole and wave about his lucky, blue stick. It's a miracle he hasn't been blasted to bits yet... or is it something more...? ~ * ~ I did this piece very quickly today before a friendly competitive game with a buddy. I've never used the Lukky Stikk before and it was pretty neat. I'm really pleased to have been able to use this Runt model; it's one of my favorites.

The Spoils of Shatara

The Meks of WAAGH! Drillteef had a field day after the sacking of Shatara. No Imperial vehicle was safe from their cunning tinkering. Many Meks, under the direction of Big Mek Skar 'Ead, took control of the world's manufacturing capabilities and pressed the 'umies into servitude. The factories began belching soot, misery, and massive war machines. The Grimdakka is one of those machines. It will soon begin the long journey to Pakeshi IV under the command of Big Mek Dreadnutz. The Meks hope she can withstand an unaided disembarkation from a fast-moving orbital transporter... ~ * ~ I fell in love with the Kill Blasta the moment I saw it. I've always wanted one. The rules are just incredible. I have no idea if it really is any good on the table or not, but we'll see. One thing's for sure is that it is SUPER Orky. This is my first attempt at using weathering powders on a vehicle. I think I was mostly successful, at least for me, whose got very little in the ...