Adepticon 2015

Adepticon has become a staple in our convention diet. Thousands of folks still flock to the humble halls of suburban Chicago to take part in a long week(end?) of pure gaming satisfaction with a hard focus on miniatures. Thanks goes out to Geek Nation Tours for making my visit so effortless and relaxing. This year, we took the train. It's an inexpensive and safe way to travel 700 miles in about 14 hours. The Lakeshore Limited is an overnight service, so I generally end up sleeping through most of it. Miniatures Throughout the week, I involved myself in a few miniature-related events. The Teladrin Enclave narrative Battlefleet Gothic event was incredibly cool and immersive, including secret missions for all the major factions and a wonderful atmosphere and really cool terrain. While I did shun big events like the Team Tournament and the GT this year, I couldn't go the entire weekend without partaking in a single competitive event. I decided to take in one ...