Da Boyz 2014 - Part 2/2

A new day dawned at Da Boyz GT and I was ready for it! Grand Tournament, Day 2 Game 4 Opposing Army: Space Marines Combined Arms Detachment: Chapter Master (The Shield Eternal, Artificer Armor, Burning Blade, Melta Bombs), 5x Honour Guard (Chapter Banner, Power Axe, 4x Relic Blade, Drop Pod), 5x Scouts (camo cloaks, sniper rifles), another 5x Scouts (camo cloaks, sniper rifles), 10x Sternguard (5x combi-grav, 2x meltagun, drop pod), another 10x Sternguard (5x combi-grav, 2x meltagun, drop pod), Contemptor-Mortis Pattern Dreadnought (Kheres Assault Cannon x2, Automantic Shielding, Helical Targeting Array), 9x Devastators (4x missile launchers, 4x Flakk missiles), Thunderfire Cannon. Primary Mission (20pts): Cumulative Objectives x6. Starting on turn 2, tally Objectives you hold at the end of your turn. Compare totals at the end of the game. Secondary Mission (10pts): Marked for Death - select a...