
Showing posts from October, 2014

Voltrork, Krumpa ov da Ooniverse!

Big Mek Dreadnutz has been hard at work doing his best to improve WAAGH! Drillteef's mekanoid army.  One of the most important things, in his opinion, is to do so while preserving resources.  To that end, he has re-used a lot of materials, not the least of which has been the WAAGH!'s legion killa kanz.  What has probably been the most notable of these ventures has been Voltrork, Krumpa ov da Ooniverse. When Big Mek Dreadnutz and his Mekanoid Mob takes the battlefield, the sight of hundreds of tons of clanking destruction is no surprise to most of the WAAGH!'s enemies, but when four Killa Kans and a Deff Dread clang together to form Voltrork, even Drillteef's most formidable enemies quake with terror.

Dirty Goblin Games October 2014 Singles - Ork Bikes

Dirty Goblin  in Queensbury, NY hosted another fun 40k event this month with a bit of a twist from our usual fare. Players were open to take Unbound lists and there were some special Halloween-themed scenarios. For this tournament, I decided to take my Ork Bike list to see how it would work out.  I plan on either bringing this list or my Green Tide list to Da Boyz GT, but I hadn't had a chance to try this one out yet... at least not since 5th Edition anyways.  Back in 5th, this list was pretty great as long as there weren't a lot of deepstriking Heavy Flamers or Dreadknights.  The list was also really good at the beginning of 6th Edition with actual Toughness 5.  Sadly, the advent of the Heldrake was the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to this list.  Dreadknights are on the rise, but Heldrakes are in decline and I think the list has some merit; not as a tournament-winner, but as a list that I can feel reasonably good about at mid-table obscur...