Loopy Paints Unto Others - Black Knights

One army I've always wanted to do are a small list of Black Knights. I thought it would be really cool to own a collection of GKs of slightly questionable honor. One of the great things about my part-time job with Frontline Gaming is that sometimes a customer will leave it open to the artist to come up with a scheme for them and, in this case, I grabbed the opportunity to do this army the way I've always imagined it. I started by sending along the image above as my inspiration for the army and the client agreed. Over 50 grueling (and fun) hours later, I am done. I have completely underestimated the basecoats for these models. Grey knights have so many parts that need a different shade from their armor and there are so many purity seals that a man could lose his bananas. The black armor is a cheap, low-pigment craft paint black. This is intentional because I did a quick clear-coat over that and then washed all the models with an India Ink and Alco...