
Showing posts from September, 2014

Loopy Paints Unto Others - Black Knights

One army I've always wanted to do are a small list of Black Knights.  I thought it would be really cool to own a collection of GKs of slightly questionable honor.  One of the great things about my part-time job with Frontline Gaming is that sometimes a customer will leave it open to the artist to come up with a scheme for them and, in this case, I grabbed the opportunity to do this army the way I've always imagined it. I started by sending along the image above as my inspiration for the army and the client agreed. Over 50 grueling (and fun) hours later, I am done.  I have completely underestimated the basecoats for these models.  Grey knights have so many parts that need a different shade from their armor and there are so many purity seals that a man could lose his bananas. The black armor is a cheap, low-pigment craft paint black.  This is intentional because I did a quick clear-coat over that and then washed all the models with an India Ink and Alco...

The Fall of Haven - New York Edition

A couple of weeks ago, a few of the fellas from the club came out on a Saturday to run a narrative event for the Pakeshi Sector storyline we're taking part in with the Overlords in London.  We had a great time throwing dice with narrative missions and painted armies.  Thanks to James, Jason, Phil, and John for making it out to the store. The forces of Chaos have been marching on the world of Haven, intent on spoiling the world's rich collection of Ecclesiarchial relics and holy places.  Haven City was the center of the world's holy places and also the epicenter of the battle which took place on the tabletops of London with the Overlords.  Our battles were waged over Haven's Manufactorum district where holy promethium and other materiel are produced. Army Construciton All armies will be constructed at the 750 point level for the first game.  For the second game, all units from the first game will be used and add an additional 250 points.  For the thi...